Policies and procedures index

NESA has a range of policies and procedures that govern what they do. Use this index to find documents on registration, accreditation, privacy and operational procedures. 

Updates to the NSW Teacher Accreditation Manual

The NSW Teacher Accreditation Manual is now available and being implemented in stages. It combines new teacher accreditation reforms and replaces all existing teacher accreditation policies.

For timings of how this staged implementation affects you, check the teacher accreditation reform timeline.

A | C | D | EGH | IN | P | R | S 


Accreditation of initial teacher education (ITE) programs in NSW – policy and procedures

Describes the accreditation requirements and processes for ITE programs offered by NSW providers.

Assessment Certification Examination (ACE)

Provides support to schools in their implementation of requirements in relation to Years 7 to 12 assessments, certification and examination programs.

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

Contains 7 standards outlining what teachers should know and be able to do. The Standards are grouped into 3 domains of teaching, and teachers should draw on aspects of all 3 of these domains.


Complaint handling policy and process 

Provides guidance to members of the public who wish to make a complaint about NESA, and to NESA staff about how to handle these complaints.

Code of Ethics and Conduct 

Explains NESA's ethical framework and how employees must conduct themselves in educational and workplace settings.

Compressed HSC curriculum delivery

Describes how students can choose to complete their HSC in 1 year instead of 2, and outlines what schools must do to offer a compressed HSC curriculum.


Data breach policy

This policy sets out how NESA will respond to data breaches involving personal information and outlines NESA’s approach to complying with the MNDB Scheme. NESA treats all data breaches seriously, including those which are not deemed ‘eligible data breaches’.


Elaborations in priority areas for Aboriginal education

Provides guidance to ITE providers and assists accreditation panels in implementing the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy.

Elaborations for remaining priority areas

Provides guidance to providers seeking program accreditation, as well as accreditation panels, on the skills and knowledge that graduates are required to develop through the program.


Guidelines for equivalent and alternative courses of study

Contains the responsibilities and functions of NESA for students completing equivalent and alternative courses of study.

Guidelines for homeschooling registration in NSW

Explains the requirements and process for home schooling registration in NSW in reference to the NESA guidelines.

Guidelines for school providers delivering courses to overseas students

Provides information about the regulatory framework and requirements for approved NSW school providers delivering courses to overseas students.


HSC minimum standard – disability provisions, exemptions and appeals policy

Describes the disability provisions, exemptions, appeals and application processes that apply to the HSC minimum standard tests.


Instrument of delegations

Explains how the Education Standards Authority Act 2013 allows the NESA Board to delegate an authorised person or body to exercise any of its functions under the education and teaching legislation.


NSW Teacher Accreditation Manual

Describes all the requirements, conditions and criteria for teacher accreditation in NSW and provides information on accreditation in one easily accessible location.


Public Interest Disclosures (PID) Policy

All agencies in New South Wales are required to have a Public Interest Disclosures (PID) Policy under section 42 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act). At NESA, we take reports of serious wrongdoing seriously. We are committed to building a ‘speak up’ culture where public officials are encouraged to report any conduct that they reasonably believe involves wrongdoing.

Privacy Management Plan

Explains how NESA manages personal and health information. It includes information and tools to assist staff to manage their privacy obligations and comply with current legislation.

Professional experience in ITE policy

Describes the minimum expectations of the professional experience component of an ITE program. The policy aims to assist teacher education institutions to develop or review their ITE programs.


Recognition of schools outside NSW manual (PDF 373.33KB)

Provides information for schools outside NSW seeking to be recognised by the NESA to present candidates for the Record of School Achievement and/or the HSC.

Registered and accredited individual non-government schools NSW manual (PDF 2.85MB)

Explains the legislative basis and requirements for registration and accreditation, including evidence of compliance and the application and assessment process.

Registration process for the NSW government schooling system manual

Describes the process for NESA to monitor and provide advice on compliance to minimum standards by the NSW government schooling system.

Registration systems and member non-government schools NSW manual (PDF 1.36MB)

Provides information about the operation of systems of non-government member schools, and details the requirements for registration and accreditation.

Requirements for primary teaching specialisations

Explains how primary teaching specialisations are groups of primary teachers recognised as having strong knowledge in a particular learning area.


Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy

This policy sets out NESA’s commitment to fostering safe, respectful, and inclusive work environments that are free from sexual harassment.

Subject content knowledge requirements policy

Assists teacher education providers and accreditation panels to understand and apply the accreditation requirements for initial teacher education programs.

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