We provide land remediation and rejuvenation, landfill management and specialised environmental services to clean up contaminated land to create a healthier, safer environment for the people of NSW.
Our services range from the initial appraisal and assessment of the environmental issue to site and project management and completion. Our team of experts’ flexible and responsive approach to NSW Government client needs ensures we deliver practical and cost-effective solutions to resolve complex and challenging problems.
These solutions, including our work to extract landfill gas for renewable energy purposes, align with long-term government commitments.
Browse projects
Bare Creek Bike Park
Construction of a world-class mountain bike park after remediating the former Belrose landfill site.
Boolaroo earthworks
Earthmoving capability and project management skills used to deliver an access road for a new commercial precinct.
Hunters Hill site remediation
Successful remediation of 100-year-old contamination at Hunters Hill.
Intertrade site remediation
Remediating land at the former BHP Newcastle Steelworks site.
Kempt Field site remediation
The remediation project will address longstanding subsidence and buried waste issues at the public reserve which was, until 1978, a privately-owned waste landfill site.
Landfill gas to renewable energy
Eastern Creek renewable energy facility supplying electricity to the grid while reducing greenhouse emissions.
Truegain site remediation
Our Environmental Management Group has expertise in remediating contaminated land and is managing the clean-up of a former waste oil processing facility.
Waratah Gasworks site remediation
The NSW Government is solving the legacy contamination of a former gasworks site, working with landholders on the most suitable option for remediation.
Waste Assets Management Corporation
Rehabilitating and managing closed landfills, partnering in renewable energy initiatives and offering specialised environmental services.
Wastewater treatment
Collecting, containing and treating wastewater at several of our closed landfill sites.
Pasminco site remediation
Completed remediation and continue to manage the former Boolaroo lead and zinc smelter site.