Former Berrima Correctional Centre
Completed: Property and Development NSW has undertaken a divestment campaign for the sale of the former Berrima Correctional Centre on behalf of the NSW Government.
Sale of the former Berrima Correctional Centre
The government’s objective for the sale was to ensure that the purchaser delivers a proposal that provides a broad range of social, economic and cultural benefits for Berrima and the Southern Highlands region.
Following a rigorous evaluation process, Blue Sox Group was selected as the successful proponent with a proposal to redevelop the site that considers the heritage significance of the former correctional centre and its importance to the local community.
The proposal incorporates a boutique hotel whilst retaining the beautiful grounds of the estate, and will incorporate café, restaurant, bar, community and event spaces. Spaces within the property will be transformed to cater for small business opportunities.
Blue Sox intends to work with the community to retain aspects of the site’s extensive history, with tours and public spaces that are accessible for the whole community.
The heritage structures within the gaol are listed on the State’s heritage register which affords them heritage protection. A conservation management plan has been prepared to ensure the new owners are fully informed of all responsibilities going forward.
Additionally, a subdivision plan was registered in mid-2022 to subdivide of a portion of the Site along the Wingecarribee River to be retained in Government ownership to allow continued public access along the existing walkway.
The Berrima Correctional Centre opened in 1839, and held maximum and minimum-security male and female prisoners, including being used as a prisoner camp during World War 1.
Located close to cafes, parks, rivers and Australia’s oldest continually licensed Inn, the property has two historic cottages, a tennis court, industrial shed, and commercial kitchen, in addition to the gaol’s 60 cells, watch tower, guard offices and commercial space.
Berrima Correctional Centre was closed in 2020 as it was no longer fit-for-purpose and surplus to Corrective Service NSW’s requirements.
Corrective Services NSW engaged PDNSW to investigate options and potential opportunities for the conversion and adaptive re use for the Berrima Correctional Centre which had been targeted for closure in 2020.