Our vision
Murrumbidgee is a vibrant and diverse region, rich in community and culture. At Murrumbidgee LHD, we recognise the challenge of delivering rural healthcare.
Our vision statements:
- Exceptional rural healthcare.
- Healthier together.
- Care tailored to people’s needs.
Our plans
Murrumbidgee LHD works to a number of plans that guide how we deliver our services. Our strategic plan outlines how we will achieve our vision over the next 5 years.
It provides a blueprint for the 4 strategic directions we will be focusing on:
- Holistic health and wellbeing.
- Lifting health outcomes.
- Locally led reform.
- Workforce at its best.
Our plan for the future aligns with NSW Health state plans. Our strategic plan builds on from our previous plans: 2016-2021 Strategic Plan, 2018 Our Communities, Our Future, and Healthier Together.
Download or read our plans:
Our partnerships
We know that communities in our rural and regional areas experience poorer health outcomes and face many challenges when accessing healthcare.
We work with different organisations to provide people living in the Murrumbidgee access to quality and coordinated healthcare.
Our Collaborative Agreement with the Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network was formalised in 2022 through a Collaborative Agreement.
Population data and health statistics
The Public Health Unit of Murrumbidgee LHD has a role in providing information about the people we serve. Data is compiled for the LHD with comparisons by Local Government Areas (where available).
Local reports
Read or download our population and health statistic reports for the Murrumbidgee Local Health District.
- MLHD Official Estimated Residential Population June 30 2023 (XLS 231.5KB)
- Population projections by Local Government Area - November 2024 (XLSX 286.15KB)
- MLHD Aboriginal population dashboard - 2021 (XLSX 266.71KB)
- MLHD cultural diversity dashboard - 2021 (XLSX 8.77MB)
- Murrumbidgee socioeconomic disadvantage indicators SEIFA - 2021 (PDF 5.75MB)
- MLHD Income Support by LGA Dashboard 2022 (XLSX 203.04KB)
- MLHD Concession Card Holders by Local Government Area dashboard (XLSX 153.13KB)
Data Sources
Information about the communities within Murrumbidgee LHD is gathered mainly from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census. Census data enables the District to have a good picture of the people it provides services for. This census of all people within Australia is taken every 5 years, the latest was in August 2021. The Census data includes:
The demographics of people within certain geographic areas:
- the number of people in a certain area
- their age and gender.
The backgrounds of those people:
- country of birth
- language spoken at home
- income levels
- Aboriginality
- levels of education and qualifications
How people live:
- types of houses people live in (e.g: house, unit, caravan park)
- types of households (e.g: family, single, group homes)
- employment status and volunteering
- types of jobs people have and the industries they work for.
Other characteristics:
- levels of disability
- access to the internet from home
- how much rent people pay
- religion
- marital status
- long-term health conditions (new to 2021 data)
- defence force personnel - past and present (new to 2021 data).
The health of the population is measured in many ways. NSW Health has a comprehensive health statistics website HealthStatsNSW where data can be viewed, downloaded or incorporated in customised reports.
In NSW the main sources of data are:
- Hospital visits
- Age and gender of patients
- Reason for admission (diagnosis)
- Length of stay in hospital
- Deaths (Registry of Birth, Deaths, and Marriages)
- Age, gender, and cause of death.
- Health Survey
The NSW Health Survey is a telephone survey of about 15,000 people from all over NSW, the questions asked provide information on the following health issues:- smoking rates
- alcohol consumption
- overweight and obesity
- amount of exercise
- fruit, vegetable and other food consumption
- diabetes
- asthma
- mental health
- influenza and pneumonia vaccinations.
- Cancer Institute
- New cases and deaths from cancer.