About mental health careers
Over 1,600 mental health clinicians and non-clinicians work in inpatient facilities and community-based services across the Hunter New England Health District. Our mental health professionals deliver comprehensive public specialist mental health services to our catchment population.
In addition to our commitment to service mental health consumers and carers, our Hunter New England Mental Health Service provides employees with active research and evaluation program as well training and education.
Opportunities exist for employment (nursing, medical, allied health and support services) in metropolitan, regional, rural and remote locations with all positions being supported through service and profession-based links.
Mental Health New Graduate Nursing Program
The Hunter New England Mental Health GradStart Program is designed to provide nurses, who are new to mental health, with the necessary clinical skills and knowledge to practice safely and deliver a high standard of clinical care. Download our guide to learn more.
Hunter New England Training in Psychiatry (HNET)
Our Hunter New England Mental Health Psychiatry Training Program (HNET) is the only regional-based psychiatry training program in Australia and New Zealand. HNET produces high quality local graduates in psychiatry. Learn about the program and benefits.