Promote and support research to 'close the gap' with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. | - Ensure all NMRC supported projects consider potential for
improving health outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. - Consult with HNE Aboriginal Health Unit, HNE Local Aboriginal Research Collaborative, experienced Aboriginal researchers, Aboriginal Elders and communities to identify research priority areas important to Aboriginal & Torres Strait people and communities.
- Engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to co-design research projects outlining intent, process, methodology, evaluation and potential value to gain informed consent.
- Ensure all projects involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have an approved Aboriginal Impact Statement, Aboriginal
Health and Medical Research approval and identify how to improve outcomes with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
| - Increased NMRC supported projects co-designed with
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. - NMRC projects that meet the needs & priorities of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities
and services. - Community driven, co-designed and collaborative
research undertaken with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and underpinned by Aboriginal ways of knowing and knowledge. - Culturally safe and appropriate NMRC supported research; Research founded on the principles of reciprocity and that safeguards data sovereignty; ethically sound and appropriate research.
| - N’ NMRC projects including
Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people, community and service’s co-design. - N’NMRC project collaborations
with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. - N’ Aboriginal impact
statements and AH&MRC approvals.
Build skills and embed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research approaches. | - Collaborate with HNE Aboriginal Health Unit, experienced Aboriginal researchers, community elders, key stakeholders to support the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander “ways of knowing”, cultural governance and Indigenous research methodologies in research capacity building initiatives, whilst recognising data sovereignty.
- Collaborate with experienced Aboriginal researchers, community elders and stakeholders, to support N&M prepare ethics applications for studies involving Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people.
- Co-design approaches to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses, midwives, health workers & other practitioners to participate in and lead research projects.
- Embed a HNE Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clinician N&M and AHWs Research Yarning Circle.
| - Enhanced cultural appropriateness, safety and governance of NMRC research activities, increased knowledge and application of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research approaches.
- Increased capacity in developing ethics applications and Aboriginal impact statements for studies involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- Enhanced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander N&M health researcher career development and research leadership pathways.
- Collective commitment to share knowledge, advance research, build capacity and identify opportunities; Establish networks and partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal nurses and midwives.
| - Metrics to assess N&M clinician researcher’s awareness of culturally safe and appropriate research practices into tri annual RCB survey.
- Co-designed resources on NMRC web-portal.
- N’ NMRC projects involving Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander clinician AI/Cis.
- Quarterly Yarning Circles, Co-developed priority research activities or plans.
Strengthen partnerships with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and services. | - Collaborate with HNE Aboriginal Health Unit to develop clear pathways and governance processes to support NMRC research activities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- Nurture relationships with HNE ACCHS, AMS and experienced Aboriginal researchers UNE (Oorala) and UoN (Thurru).
| - Transparent and embedded pathways for working alongside local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.
- Trusting and respectful relationships and networks; collaborative projects.
| - Engagement pathways, governance processes established, documented.
- N’ Collaborative projects