Develop and embed enabling models for research skill development. | - Conduct tri-annual research engagement, capacity and capability survey across HNELHD N&M workforce.
- Distribute research resources and opportunities via NMRC web portal.
- Host bi-annual Clinician CNC/CMC Research Internship.
- Monthly Research Consultation Clinics to support HNE N&Ms in all aspects of the research process.
- Annual Writing for Publication Workshops support N&M disseminate
research findings. - Consultations to support development of research Funding Applications that help to progress practice-based projects.
- Increase training on consumer engagement and co-design approaches,
particularly for culturally and linguistically diverse, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. - Retain joint Professorial Nursing or Midwifery Research position embedded in NMRC, funded by HNELHD and UoN.
| - Monitor N&M research activity and skills to inform NMRC
strategic priorities and actions. - Improve access to research supports and opportunities.
- Skilled, research active senior clinician N&M workforce, increased N&M practice-based, strategically aligned projects with funding potential.
- Timely access to research expertise, increased N&M
research activity. - Increased confidence capacity re publication, and research outputs HNELHD N&M.
- Increased number of N&M led competitive funding
applications, increased NMRC research funding. - Increased consumer engagement in NMRC supported projects. Culturally safe and appropriate N&M research.
- Enhance NMRC national and international reputation,
research collaborations and research funding.
| - Tri-annual RCB Survey.
Web portal analytics. Longitudinal (2yrs) CNC/CMC Intern RCB survey. - N' consultations provided by NMRC.
- Program evaluation N’ publication.
- N’ grants submissions, NMRC
funding revenue. - N’ co-designed, consumer projects.
- N’ collaborative, funded projects, increased NMRC research outputs.
Support practice-based research led by nurses and midwives. | - Identify, support and promote HNE N&M led research.
- Collaborate with NSW Regional Health Partners to identify and
develop opportunities to support rural and remote N&M to conduct practice-based research. - Ensure research supported by NMRC aligns with HNELHD Strategic priorities and Research Plan.
- Promote research accountabilities for senior HNE Clinical N&Ms.
- Celebrate and promote research undertaken by HNE N&Ms
| - Raise profile of HNE clinician N&M led research.
- Participation of rural and remote N&Ms in practice-based research; N&M priority-driven research.
- NMRC supported priority driven research, supporting
HNELHD to deliver on strategic priorities. - Promote culture evidence-based practice.
- Highlight N&Ms contribution to improving health and
service outcomes through research.
| - N’ HNE N&M projects.
- N’ NMRC supported rural and remote projects.
- N’ strategically aligned projects.
- Research KPIs reported in 90-
day action plan. - Quarterly NMRC newsletter; NMRC annual report.
Build the next generation of clinician researchers. | - Create professional development opportunities and mentorship for
aspiring clinician N&Ms and EMCRs. - Host Clinician Researcher Peer Support Network for HNELHD clinician
N&M undertaking PhD’s and post-doctoral research. - Support HNE N&M Clinical Research Fellowship and Honours
Scholarship recipients. - Lead professional and organisational discussions to establish and embed
clinician Nursing and Midwifery researcher pathways
| - Research skilled N&M clinician researcher workforce
well positioned to support and lead translation research. - Collaborative environment for clinician researchers; expand networks & research collaborations.
- Provide accessible pathways for aspiring N&M clinician researchers.
- A recognised career pathway to support integrated
research and clinical practice.
| - N’ clinician and EMCRs; N’ RHD supervisions
- Peer support network
membership. - N’ recipients’ fellowships/scholarships.
- Professional committee