Far West LHD services

We aim to provide high-quality public health services that are available when and where needed, to meet the needs of our diverse communities.

FWLHD Services Photo - Maternity Unit BHHS 2022

Aboriginal health

Far West LHD is committed to supporting Aboriginal communities to be healthy and to have access to services that meet their needs. 

Aged care

There are a range of aged care services available to older people, their families and carers in Far West NSW. These services support Aboriginal people aged 50 and over, and non-Aboriginal people aged 65 and over. 

Allied health

Our allied health services include a range of different teams, including dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech pathologists and mental health professionals.

Cancer care

Far West LHD provides a range of services to support people living with cancer, from the point of diagnosis, through treatment, follow up and survivorship.

Child and family health

Far West LHD provides a range of health services for children, young people and families, with a focus on early intervention and prevention.

Integrated Care

We work with other health and social organisations in the community, including GPs, to promote better healthcare outside of the hospital setting.

Mental health, drug and alcohol

Our Community Mental Health Drug and Alcohol service works with a range of other organisations to provide coordinated mental health and drug and alcohol services across the Far West.

Nursing and midwifery

Far West LHD provides a range of nursing services through our facilities, clinics and in the community. All pregnant women have free access to their own midwife throughout their pregnancy, birth and early weeks of parenting.

Palliative care

Our Specialist Palliative Care Services provide support to people living with a life-limiting illness and their families, whether at home, in hospital or aged care.

Public dental (oral health)

Free public dental services including pain relief, restorative and preventative treatments and dentures are available to eligible patients through Broken Hill Health Service.

Violence, abuse and neglect

Our services can help people experiencing violence, abuse or neglect, or the physical, mental and emotional health problems that these can cause.

Virtual care (Telehealth)

Virtual care, also known as telehealth, uses video or phone technology to offer patients and consumers a convenient way to connect with health professionals in some cases.

Electronic Referrals

A new, NSW Statewide Digital Referral Management Solution is being introduced to improve the referral experience of patients, referrers and clinicians in Outpatient Services.

Public Health

We help protect the health of the community by identifying, preventing and minimising risks arising from communicable diseases and harmful substances in the environment.

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