Accessing Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development information
The department makes information available to the public about its decisions and operations. Find out about what type of information we hold and how to access it.
Your right to access government information
To promote open, accountable, fair and effective government in NSW, members of the public have a right to access government information. See What is Public Access to information? to understand more about this right.
The government may withhold information if there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information.
How we make information available
The following outlines how and what types of information the department makes available to the public.
The NSW Government is required to make information publicly available in several ways – as outlined in the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009(GIPA Act)
The following is the department’s open access information that is required to be made publicly available under the GIPA Act.
- 2021-2022 List of major assets
- 2021-2022 List of major acquisitions
- Properties disposed of by the department 2021-2022
- Policy documents
- Our agency information guide
- Documents tabled in Parliament
- Disclosure log
- Contracts information is available on the NSW Government tenders website. Also see our Register of Government Contracts information below.
- Annual reports
- Code of conduct
- Types of information not publicly available.
The department is authorised to make any government information it believes is of interest or assistance to the public freely available unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information.
The department reviews its program for the proactive release of government information every 12 months.
If you cannot find the information you are looking for online, you can ask us whether the information has already been released by the department.
People can make a request for any other type of information held by the department. Generally, the department will provide the following types of information based on an informal request:
- copies of correspondence sent to us by you
- records containing your personal information
- copies of documents that are already in the public domain.
If you think this applies to the information you are after, you can contact us to make an informal request.
Please note that in some cases you may be asked to submit a GIPA form (PDF 118.11KB).
Conditions may also be imposed in relation to the use or disclosure of information provided to you under an informal request.
You may apply for access to all other information held by the department, with the exception of information that is categorised as ' excluded information ' under the GIPA Act.
The application fee for making an access application is $30.00. Processing charges can also be imposed at the rate of $30.00 per hour. In some circumstances, an advance deposit may be required. The department will communicate in writing if that applies to your application.
To make a formal GIPA application you can download and complete the department's GIPA form (PDF 118.11KB) and email it to The team will contact you to make payment over the phone with a credit card.
Alternatively, you can post a completed application form to the department at the below address and the team will contact you to make payment over the phone with a credit card.
Governance and Information Requests Team
Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development - Legal
105 Prince Street, Orange NSW 2800
The GIPA Act says that the department is only able to accept access applications that:
- are in writing and sent to the address or email listed above
- clearly indicate that it is an access application made under the GIPA Act
- are accompanied by a fee of $30
- state the name of the applicant and a postal or email address for correspondence in connection with the application
- includes information that is reasonably necessary to enable the government information applied for to be identified.
If your application does not address these five points, it will be considered invalid and we will contact you, to help you make the application valid.
We will acknowledge receipt of your application within 5 working days and process it within 20 working days (subject to any extensions allowed under the GIPA Act). If any extension of time is required to deal with your application, we will let you know in writing.
Please note, while the department can still receive cheques and formal GIPA applications via mail, the quickest way to formally apply for information under the GIPA Act is to submit your application form via email
Review rights
The department will notify you of the outcome of your formal application and your rights of review.
An application for internal review must be made within 20 working days of you being notified of our decision. The application fee for an internal review is $40.
Applications for review to the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) or the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) must be made within 40 working days of a decision being made. There is no cost for applications to the IPC.
Please contact if you would like to lodge an internal review.
Register of government contracts
All contracts the department enters into with the private sector valued over $150,000 are recorded in the register of government contracts, which is published on the NSW Government tenders website.
The details of each contract will be entered into the register within 45 days of the contract coming into effect and must remain on the register for 20 days or until the contract is complete, whichever is longer.
The NSW Government tenders website also provides details of current tender opportunities in accordance with Premiers Memorandum 2007-01.