Direct children as cards

This component displays the immediate content items below the current page as cards. The cards automatically update when new child pages are created, or titles or summaries of the child pages change. This is a useful component for managing content and providing a user-friendly way to navigate through site content.

See and interact with the Direct children as cards component block demo on this page.

Demo component

2 across cards in 3/4 width container

Child 1 heading

Child page 1 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 2 heading

Child page 2 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 3 heading

Child page 3 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 4 heading

Child page 4 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

3 across cards in 3/4 width container

Child 1 heading

Child page 1 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 2 heading

Child page 2 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 3 heading

Child page 3 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 4 heading

Child page 4 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

2 across cards in full width container

Child 1 heading

Child page 1 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 2 heading

Child page 2 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 3 heading

Child page 3 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 4 heading

Child page 4 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

3 across cards in full width container

Child 1 heading

Child page 1 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 2 heading

Child page 2 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 3 heading

Child page 3 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 4 heading

Child page 4 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

4 across cards in full width container

Child 1 heading

Child page 1 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 2 heading

Child page 2 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 3 heading

Child page 3 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.

Child 4 heading

Child page 4 summary text is a short and descriptive summary of the page. The page summary should be a maximum of 170 characters.


See the Help Hub guide for detailed instructions on how and when to use this component.

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