Resource search and filter

Use the Resource search and filter to easily display all of your resources and documents. Results will show in a listing with the ability to search and filter them.

See and interact with the component block demo on this page.

Demo component

The example below shows how the Resource search and filter component displays.

Example 1

The following settings have been applied.

Result set filters

  • Vocabulary set to ‘Agency’
  • Terms set to Youth Justice NSW

Tag filters

2 Tag filters have been added.

Tag 1
  • Tag filter label: Topic
  • Vocabulary: Topic
  • Terms: Youth Justice advice (817), Youth Justice Centre (819), Youth Justice programs and services (818)
Tag 2
  • Tag filter label: Who this information is for
  • Vocabulary: Audience
  • Terms: Young people (103), Citizen (6415), Public Servants (6418)

Example 2

The following settings have been applied.

Result set filters

  • Vocabulary set to ‘Audience’
  • Terms set to ‘Young people’

Tag filters

Tag 1
  • Tag filter label: Government agency
  • Vocabulary: Agency
  • Terms: none added

It’s not recommended to have 'Terms' as ‘none’ as all items with that tag on will show, which in this example is all agencies. 


See the Help Hub guide for detailed instructions on how and when to use this component.

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