How to prepare to migrate to
Not yet on the OneCX Program roadmap? A successful website migration to relies on effective planning and preparation. Find out what your agency can do to prepare for your migration, and what to expect from the OneCX Program team.

Preparing for migration
A content audit is the process of thoroughly reviewing all the content you have on each page of your website. We suggest you start by obtaining a list of all your webpages, and becoming familiar with the content.
You can do this by obtaining your information architecture (IA) site map. The sitemap lists all the website pages in their entirety, detailing hierarchy, structure and functionality.
During the content, make sure you:
- review your content – Is it current and relevant? Are there any pages that contain outdated, inaccurate or irrelevant information? Flag these, and try to keep your pages as up to date as possible until your migration commences.
- check internal and external links – Do the links still point to active pages? Are they still relevant?
- collect any media files and imagery you'd like included on your new pages. We will assist with these choices come migration, however some agencies have ‘must have’ media files they want included.
- identify and review any documents (particularly PDFs) for accessibility – Whilst we discourage the use of PDFs, there are instances where they might be necessary. We'll work with you on ensuring these are accessible PDFs, or whether they can be converted to HTML.
- review your Google Analytics data – understand the traffic to your pages and user behaviour. Understanding these insights is invaluable. For example, which pages are visited most and what percentage of users visit on their mobile?
When identifying content owners, you will need to:
- understand who owns the content across your site. Is it one person, one team, or several?
- identify subject matter experts (SMEs) for each content category, so when it comes time to review and migrate content, you're aware of who needs to be involved or at least consulted.
In your technical assessment, you will need to:
- detail the functionality your current website performs and gather any supporting documentation for each aspect. This will help provide an understanding of the technical complexity of your website.
- consider features or components on your pages that may require development, or extra planning and design. These could be tables, filters, forms, animations, or other features.
During a privacy audit, you will need to:
- identify and review forms and processes for collecting and storing personal data. This may include mailing list opt ins
- identify and review links to third party sites, collecting and storing personal data
- identify your agency’s privacy officer and have the conversations around whether your agency’s collection of information meets privacy requirements. We will support you to complete your Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) once your migration commences.

Preparing your agency for change
How we work together to navigate, prepare for, and effectively manage change is a critical factor in ensuring the success of your website migration. We need to think about what might change and who needs to be involved both now and in the future.
Key points to consider and discuss with us early on include:
- current challenges and opportunities unique to your agency – Is it difficult to engage with your customers, are certain key messages not clear, or are there specific approval processes required? Is there sensitive information, or specific agency requirements that must be met?
- customer journey insights – We can assist with this during the website migration, though it's good to understand early on, your customers' needs, how they interact with your agency and their experience with your content. If you have previous customer research or feedback, this will be invaluable for your migration.
- timing or seasonal considerations – For example, Treasury would consider the timing of the release of budget papers, or NSW Education Standards Authority would consider the release of HSC results.
- your existing platform and any contract terms – The timing of this should be factored in when discussing your agency coming onto the OneCX Program roadmap.
- change readiness within your agency – How ready, willing and able are the people that will be involved in the change? Consider those that need to be informed and consulted. We'll partner with you to ensure effective change management throughout the migration process.
Key considerations for change include:
- governance, including:
- content ownership
- governance structures
- quality assurance processes for content accuracy
- provision of training, CMS access and publishing rights.
- roles and responsibilities, including:
- management, development, writing and editing content
- approving and publishing of content
- Consider opportunities to introduce and establish new behaviours.
- Technology and systems, including:
- features and components your agency pages might require
- the decommissioning of your old website
- shifting agency user behaviour to Customer Service team for support.
- structure, including:
- release of capacity for the migration working group
- structural or team changes to manage the content ongoing.
- behaviours and change readiness
- change doesn't always come easily for all people. Once on the roadmap, you'll be supported by the Change, Capability and Engagement team.
- Change will support you from pre-migration, right through to handover into BAU, to ensure you’re prepared and setup for a smooth and successful migration.
- Capability will train and upskill your team members so they can manage your agency's content ongoing.
- Engagement will help communicate your migration achievements via a range of broadcast communications activities and events.
- change doesn't always come easily for all people. Once on the roadmap, you'll be supported by the Change, Capability and Engagement team.
We know change doesn't happen in isolation of your organisation needs, challenges and priorities. Change impacts people, and people impact the change.
We will support and partner with you to ensure the effectiveness of the change in your organisation.
It’s important to build awareness on the need for change, and not simply awareness that a change is happening.
Together, we can do this by:
- talking about the OneCX Program benefits to your team, your organisation – get it on the agenda.
- communicate the WIIFM (what's in it for me), or how will this help us and our customers?
- share the successes and examples
- keep being curious and asking questions
- spread the word and pave the way for the OneCX Program. You will be key in helping create the vibe for successful change.
Working with the OneCX Program team
Once on the roadmap and ready to commence, the OneCX Program team will work collaboratively with you to facilitate the migration process.
We'll establish a working group consisting of:
- a dedicated cross functional OneCX Program team
- SME's and representatives from your agency.
Together, we'll commence work on your migration, from discovery, definition and delivery, right through to ongoing support and optimisation.
See the OneCX Program service catalogue for how we approach the migration and ongoing support.
Contact us
If you would like to contact us about the OneCX Program, please complete the online form.