About the OneCX Program
Our Program of work aims to create a customer-centric digital experience based on customer needs.
The whole-of-government website strategy focuses on creating better digital experiences for people in NSW by making it easier to:
- complete specific tasks online in fewer clicks on fewer websites or in less time
- find consistent information through search or by browsing customer-centric topics on one website
- voice their opinion on what the government is doing through a central channel.
Who is nsw.gov.au for?
The key customer archetypes and behaviours that will help us focus our content.
The nsw.gov.au roadmap
The roadmap details our current and future efforts for an enhanced digital experience.
Customer benefits
A citizen can access government information in one place, without having to navigate government structures.
Information is centred around citizen needs and behaviour, providing a seamless customer experience.
Customers access nsw.gov.au and our social channel to have their say, ask questions and interact with the government, data and insights inform improvements to the experience.
How it all started
In 2019, a review found more than 1000 NSW Government websites on 35 different content management systems.
The audit highlighted that the government could:
- create a better digital experience through consistent design, content and style
- find cost efficiencies by reducing unnecessary duplication of functionality.
As a result, the NSW Government Digital Channels team developed the nsw.gov.au website OneCX Program.
The strategy
To create a unified, customer-centric and innovative experience of NSW Government websites, the Program is creating a digital environment that enables customers to find information and complete tasks within an integrated environment.
To achieve this, we are developing:
- user journeys centred around the customer needs, not the structure of government
- consistent visual and experience language on nsw.gov.au, so customers don’t need to relearn how to use individual government websites
- an improved search experience with fewer competing pages of duplicate or similar content
- data-driven approaches to continually improve engaging and innovative content.
In addition to improving customer experience, we are focused on reducing costs by:
- reducing content duplication and its associated design, research and maintenance costs
- reusing and repurposing common website functionality across multiple agencies.
Contact us
Contact the NSW Digital Channels team to find out how to get involved with the OneCX Program.
Sign up to our newsletter
Public servants can sign up to our monthly newsletter to stay updated on the Program.