Who our content is for

The key customer archetypes and behaviours that will help us focus our content.

To achieve a customer-centric approach to content, there is a shift away from a department or agency silo mindset.

Rather than developing variations of content to suit a single agency's specialised audience, content authoring on nsw.gov.au considers two key questions:

  • Which customer archetype is this content for?
  • What is their mindset?

Customer archetypes

  • Citizen – a person who is a resident of NSW
  • Business – a person who owns or is employed by a business operating in NSW, or who may like to work or do business in NSW
  • Visitor – a person who is visiting NSW from interstate or overseas
  • Public servant – a person who works for a NSW Government department or agency.

Customer mindsets

By categorising the behaviours or mindsets of the archetypes into three main tasks we can focus the content and design templates on supporting the key outcomes desired by the audience undertaking the task.

  • Find: Previously, information was scattered across hundreds of individual websites for different government agencies. The OneCX Program is consolidating everything under nsw.gov.au, making it the single source of truth for the people of NSW. We're also implementing features like automated recommendations to help customers find relevant information quicker.
  • Understand: Government websites can sometimes be full of jargon and complex structures. The OneCX Program is focused on providing clear, concise and easy-to-read content. We are committed to providing a website that is accessible to everyone, regardless of technology or ability.
  • Use: Once customers find information, we want to ensure they can use it effectively. This might involve providing downloadable forms, easy-to-follow instructions, or links to relevant services. 
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