Get and give support now

You don't need to be a mental health expert to look after your own mental health or to give support to others.

Image of a young man in a food processing facility wearing a hair net and smiling

Need urgent help

If your life is in danger or someone you know is at risk of harm, call 000 now or go to a hospital emergency department.

Key information

  • Many people will experience mental illness at some point in their life.
  • There are many different ways to get and give support.
  • For yourself, it might start by setting up healthy habits and boundaries, taking time out, staying active and connecting with others. 
  • For others, all it can take is to notice when things don’t seem right, start a conversation and connect them to support services

How to support someone in your team

Mental health is not a static state. It changes every day depending on what is happening in our lives. Just like physical health, people can fluctuate from having ill-health to being healthy. Everyone at work will be at a different place, depending on their circumstances. Some people may be experiencing good mental health while others may be experiencing poor mental health, or be somewhere in between. 

Mental health is not a static state. Two arrows pointing in opposite directions with a gradient moving towards ill health to healthy.

Leaders need to be able to provide the right kind of support at the right time. For some people, experiencing symptoms related to diagnosed mental health conditions can impact function at work. For these people, workplace adjustments may be needed to ensure they can continue to feel supported, accepted and empowered at work. It's important to understand that a worker has a choice: they may decide to disclose their mental health condition to you, or they may choose not to.

If you're a worker considering disclosing information about your mental health to your employer, the READY? tool can help you decide what may be best for you. 

It's also important to be aware of the signs that someone in your team may be affected by mental ill-health and act early.  It can prevent incidents from occurring.

Some steps you can take

How to support your own mental health 

Everyone can take care of their own mental health at work by maintaining healthy habits and good communication.  

Here are some steps you can take:

Take the opportunity to be a colleague's 'because of you' person

At any time a colleague could be going through a life event that can impact their mental health and result in them needing support at work. Check out Carley's video below where she emphasises the small things while she recovered at work. 'Because of you' is a series of case studies developed by SIRA's Recover at Work reference group that aims to share how people's experiences of recovery at work can support workplace mental health.


Carley's story - SIRA recovery at work | MHW

Other advice for personal mental health

The Royal Melbourne Hospital offers this advice:   

  • Connect – Social connections are vital for maintaining good health and wellbeing. Check-in with your colleagues by starting a conversation or getting together for morning tea or lunch. 
  • Be active – Keep your mind and body active by doing a physical activity you enjoy. Go for a walk on your lunch break or make time to exercise before or after work. 
  • Keep learning - Trying something new or learning a new skill can build a sense of achievement and build your confidence. Look for opportunities to improve your skills. 
  • Be aware – Take some time every day to stop notice what happening around you and to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. This can help you feel calm and reduce stress. 
  • Help others – Doing something for someone else like helping a colleague can help give you a sense of purpose, build friendships and improve your wellbeing. 

See the 5 Ways To Wellbeing website for more information from the Royal Melbourne Hospital. 

Online services and tools

  • MyCompass is a free online self-help program from the Black Dog Institute for people with mild to moderate depression, anxiety and stress. 

  • Mindarma is a 10-session e-learning program designed to enhance mental wellbeing. 

  • Ahead for Business provides mental health support to small business owners.

General tips for mental health and wellbeing

Support services 

If you are experiencing mental ill-health it’s important to remember that you’re not alone and support is available.  

If you need support, call one of the following numbers 24/7: 

Other ways to get support  

If you don’t want to use these services, still talk to someone you trust, like: 

  • your GP, a counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist  

  • a manager, friend or family member 

Your workplace may offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for free and confidential counselling. 


Watch our video to get tips to support your mental health while working from home or remotely.

Mentally Healthy Workplaces - Managing your mental health while working remotely

Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life. Practice daily meditation and mindfulness exercises from your phone. 

Download Smiling Mind on iOS and Android.


Headgear is a free, easy-to-use app that guides you through a 30-day mental fitness challenge to improve resilience and wellbeing and present things like depression and anxiety. 

Download Headgear on iOS.

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