Strata search

Find publicly available data, including strata managing agent name and licence number, strata plan number, address, registration date, lot information, date of the last Annual General Meeting and when the scheme last completed their annual reporting.

Indicative map example showing a strata scheme boundary and information.

Search for a strata scheme

Start typing the registered address of your scheme until a list of results is shown. Choose your scheme from the list before selecting Search.

Do not use a space in the number for the street address. For example, enter ‘1A Smith Street’, not ‘1 A Smith Street’. The registered strata scheme address may differ from the actual street address.

To check the address or find the strata plan number, visit the NSW Land Registry Services (NSW LRS) website

Complete your strata scheme reporting

To start reporting, follow the instructions on our Strata annual reporting page.

Understanding the results

Need more help?

Contact Fair Trading

If you have any further questions about strata, you can contact Fair Trading via phone or in-person at a Service NSW centre.

Phone:13 32 208:30am to 5pm, Monday-Friday
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