If you're homeless or at risk of losing your home
Learn more about housing and homelessness services, and how to find a shelter, food, or other assistance.
Link2home is the NSW statewide homelessness information and referral telephone service. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year.
Link2home can provide information, assessments and referrals to homelessness support and accommodation services in NSW everyday from 9am to 10pm.
From 10pm to 9am, Link2home will only provide information and assessments. Referral to accommodation and support services is not possible during these hours. It will refer people to emergency services if needed.
Link2home can help you with:
- information about local services
- an assessment to determine what kind of help you need (see how Homes NSW uses your personal information)
- a referral to an appropriate specialist homelessness service (SHS), support services, temporary accommodation and/or other services.
Find a homelessness shelter or service
Find services with Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a free search tool to help you or someone you know find shelter, food, health, and other essential support.
Start searching today: Visit Ask Izzy.
Service providers can also update their details through Infoxchange.
We’re here to help
You can also contact your local Homes NSW office or community housing provider for advice and assistance.