Enrolling your child
What you need to do to enrol your child in a public primary school in NSW.
About enrolment
Once you've decided on a school, you’ll need to enrol your child. All new enrolments usually require an interview with the principal or a senior staff member.
Schools generally begin accepting new enrolments in the second half of the year before your child intends to start, but they can help you with any questions throughout the year.
You should only have your child enrolled in one school at any given time
Documents needed
Along with the completed application to enrol form, there are usually several supporting documents that will need to be provided, depending on your circumstances, including:
- a child's birth certificate or identity documents
- proof of child's residential address (PDF 80KB)
- an immunisation statement from the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR)
- any family law or other court orders
- copies of medical/healthcare or emergency action plan
- evidence of any disability and learning and support plans if your child has health, disability or additional needs.
During enrolment you can submit the required documents when completing the online enrolment application. An application to enrol form (PDF 770KB) is also available. Both options must be completed in English.
If you need help with English
- use these instructions translated into many languages to help you fill out the enrolment form
- call the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter in your language.