Short-term vehicle registration

If you choose, you can renew your registration for 3 months or 6 months, depending on the vehicle type. Here's what you need to know.


When it's time to renew your registration, you can choose between a 3, 6 or 12-month period, depending on the type of vehicle you're renewing.

Three-month rego

Three-month registration is available for:

  • trailers
  • heavy vehicles – over 4.5 tonnes GVM.

Six-month rego

Six-month registration is available for:

  • light vehicles – up to 4.5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM)
  • heavy vehicles – over 4.5 tonnes GVM
  • trailers
  • motorcycles.

Safety checks

Changing the term of registration can affect when your vehicle needs a safety check. Your renewal notice tells you if you need an inspection.

If you're changing terms, you must request a new renewal notice to see if the inspection requirements have changed.



inspection requirement table (PDF 80.88KB) explains when you might need an inspection.

See safety checks, pink slips and vehicle inspections for more information.

How to renew for a short term

To renew your vehicle registration you need:

  • your registration renewal notice
  • compulsory third party (CTP) insurance for the same period the registration covers (if required)
  • safety check or vehicle inspection (if required).

Complete the transaction by paying online or visiting a service centre.

Renewal notices for light vehicles are issued for the same length as your last registration. If you transfer your vehicle registration to a new person, the next notice will default to 12 months.

If you choose to renew your registration for 6 months, you must pay your CTP insurance and renew registration no later than 21 days after the registration expiry date.

Seasonal registration

If you have a vehicle used for agricultural purposes or in over-snow situations you can apply for seasonal registration.

Short-term registration costs

Cars, trailers, motorcycles and other light vehicles

Use our rego calculator to:

  • calculate specific short-term rego costs for your vehicle by entering your number plate and VIN/chassis number, or
  • estimate the renewal cost for your general vehicle type by choosing the 'General enquiry' option under 'Registration renewal' in the calculator. You don't need specific registration details to calculate this estimate.

Heavy vehicles

The surcharge is 10% of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) regulatory charge and the National Transport Comission (NTC) road user charge. See heavy vehicle registration charges for more details.

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