Apply for seasonal vehicle registration

Find out how to get registration to cover seasonal needs such as harvests or the snow season.

How seasonal registration works

Seasonal registration lets you register a vehicle for a combination of unlimited 3 or 6 month periods, over the course of 12 months. You can arrange this in different ways, for example:

  • 2 x 3 months of registration
  • 6 months of registration
  • 1 x 6 months plus 3 months of registration
  • 3 x 3 months of registration
  • 2 x 6 months registration.

Seasonal registration periods do not have to be consecutive.

If you want to register your vehicle for 12 months in a single term you must convert your seasonal registration to a general registration.

After 9 months of seasonal registration within a 12-month period, you may need to get a heavy vehicle inspection. See HVIS inspections.

If you're a primary producer, you may be eligible for a concession on seasonal registration.

Who can register a seasonal vehicle

A vehicle can be registered in the name of one person, or in the name of an incorporated organisation. Vehicles cannot be registered in more than one name.

The person or organisation named on the Certificate of Registration is considered the registered operator of the vehicle, and is responsible for it. The registered operator is not necessarily the owner of the vehicle.

To be the registered operator of:

  • a light vehicle (4.5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass or less) you must be at least 16 years old
  • a heavy vehicle you must be at least 18 years old.

Organisations must be a legal entity (for example, an incorporated company) to register a vehicle.

Registering a courtesy name

A vehicle can only be registered in one name but you can add a courtesy name to record the name of a business or organisation. It cannot be used to record a person’s name.

We may refuse to record a courtesy name if it's considered offensive or in bad taste.

To add, change or delete a courtesy name, call 13 22 13 or go to any service centre and provide acceptable proof of your identity.

How to apply for seasonal registration

Visit a service centre in person or send a representative to apply for seasonal registration.


To get seasonal registration you need a vehicle inspection to ensure your vehicle meets safety standards. The type of inspection you need depends on these factors.

If your vehicle has never been registered in NSW, or seasonal registration expired over 12 months ago and vehicle details have changed, you require:

If you want to change from general to seasonal registration, or your seasonal registration expired over 12 months ago and the vehicle details are the same, you need:


You must buy compulsory third party (CTP) insurance (green slip) for your seasonal vehicle.

The period of cover must match the period of seasonal registration and be issued by a NSW insurance provider. Most insurers send your policy to us electronically.


Once you have your inspection and CTP insurance, go to a service centre in person to apply for seasonal registration.

You must provide:

Sending a representative

If you send a representative you must complete the 'Representative’s Authority' section on the application for registration form, or provide a letter authorising your representative. Your representative must provide their own proof of identity.

If you’re not already recorded in our systems, for example, you have not registered a vehicle before, you must attend in person.

Registering in an organisation's name

In addition to the documents above, you'll need to provide:

Number plates

Number plates can stay on a seasonally registered vehicle for up to 12 months after the registration has expired, and can be re-used when the registration is renewed.

If the seasonal registration is expired more than 12 months, you must:

  • return the number plates to a service centre
  • apply for new registration
  • pay the number plate fee
  • be issued with new number plates.

If you change a vehicle from general registration to seasonal registration, you can keep the same plates, as long as the registration is active. The number plates can be used up to 3 months after the expiry date.

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