The Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) went on public exhibition in late 2022, outlining the design of the project and the environmental and social impacts that could arise during the construction and operation of light rail.
More than 125 submissions were received during the EIS exhibition period, with more than 850 people engaged face-to-face and online, and more than 2500 visitors to the project's virtual engagement room.
The Response to Submissions has been published on the NSW Planning Portal, which addresses all submissions received during the EIS exhibition period.
Public feedback received during the EIS exhibition period informed key project amendments to improve social and environmental outcomes, and reduce impacts where possible. These amendments involved:
- the Camellia foreshore to Rydalmere alignment and bridge amendment
- the bridge and route alignment between Melrose Park and Wentworth Point
- replacing the existing bridge at Hill Road.
Transport for NSW consulted with the community and local residents during August and September this year on the project amendments, engaging with more than 600 people.
Feedback from 30 respondents during this consultation period was used to inform the development of the project's Amendment Report.
Planning approval for the full project is expected in 2024, with $200 million allocated in the 2023-24 NSW Budget towards planning the procurement, construction and delivery of Stage 2 for Western Sydney.
Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will connect Stage 1 and the Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park via Camellia, Rydalmere, Ermington, Melrose Park and Wentworth Point with a 10km 2-way track and 14 light rail stops.
Delivery of the project will be staged, with design and site establishment works to deliver a new bridge over Parramatta River between Wentworth Point and Melrose Park expected to start in 2024.
Major construction work on the fully funded bridge is expected to start in 2025, subject to planning approval.