Western NSW Local Health District Awards
The annual Western NSW LHD Awards bring our staff together, to share and celebrate achievements in innovation and delivering world-class health care to our communities.
Recipients from each category are then nominated to represent the District at the NSW Health Awards.
Allied Health Awards
The WNSWLHD Allied Health Awards aim to promote and recognise the high quality work of our Allied Health professionals and their support staff.
Recipients of the WNSWLHD Allied Health Awards are nominated to represent the District in the NSW Excellence in Allied Health Awards.
Nurse, Midwife and Team of the Year
The Nurse, Midwife and Team Awards acknowledge the significant skill, passion, and contributions of nurses and midwives from across the Western NSW Local Health District.
Each year the recipients of the WNSWLHD Nurse, Midwife and Team of the Year Awards are announced in May on International Midwives and International Nurses Days. These winners are then nominated to represent the District in the NSW Excellence in Nursing and Midwifery Awards.