Why staying healthy is important
Western NSW LHD is committed to helping people improve their health and wellbeing. Staying in good physical and mental health, or getting help early, not only helps individuals and communities, but can help avoid having to go to hospital for higher level care.
Western NSW health profile information
People living in Western NSW and other rural locations experience a greater burden of disease from preventable conditions such as type two diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and cancers.
According to data from our most recent Health Needs Assessment, the groups that experience the highest burden of disease are:
- Aboriginal peoples
- Men
- Socially disadvantaged and remote communities.
Reducing risk factors and improving your health
Some of the risk factors for chronic disease cannot be changed, such as age and genetics. However, many risk factor for developing chronic diseases can be lowered by adopting a healthy lifestyle or changing behaviours. These actions include:
- not smoking, or quitting smoking
- following Australian guidelines on safe alcohol consumption
- maintaining a healthy weight through:
- eating a healthy diet
- getting the recommended levels of exercise.
Support and resources
Research shows that getting support from health professionals can make it easier to make healthier lifestyle choices.
For most people, primary health care is the best place to start. Primary care is provided by healthcare professionals who can help promote and support good health, and diagnose and manage health issues to help prevent more serious issues developing. General Practitioners (GPs) are a great place to start, particularly if a person has known existing health problems.
Some of the support services that can help maintain or improve a healthy lifestyle include:
What the data says for Western NSW
Smoking at any time in life is dangerous, both for the smoker and the people around them. Smoking of any substance is known to contribute to cancers, and to heart and respiratory (breathing) diseases. Smoking during pregnancy is particularly dangerous for both the mum, and their baby.
In our Local Health District, Aboriginal mums are 3.4 times more likely to smoke during pregnancy than non-Aboriginal mums.
Helpful resources
What the data says for Western NSW
Our population is ageing. It's expected that from 2021-2041 the number of people aged over 70 years in our communities will increase by 44%.
The mortality rate for the 65+ age group is higher in our District than the NSW average.
Our hospitalisation rate for pneumonia and flu is higher than the NSW average.
Helpful resources
What the data says for Western NSW
In 2020:
- 71% of adults were either overweight or obese, greater than the NSW rate of 57%.
- Rates of overweight and obesity in adults is increasing over time (21% increase between 2016 and 2020)
- Childhood rates of obesity are more stable but greater than the NSW rates. In 2017-18 the rate children in Western NSW who were obese was 11% (NSW average was 7.4%).
Helpful resources
What the data says for Western NSW
Cancer mortality rates are greater than the NSW rates by 11%.
The mortality rate in men is 53% higher than for women.
Helpful resources
Aboriginal resources:
Cancer screening and prevention:
What the data says for Western NSW
Higher mortality rates than NSW for:
- Cardiovascular disease, by 25% (men 47% higher than women)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), by 78% (men 38% higher than women)
- Diabetes, by 36% (men 65% higher than women).
Kidney disease:
- The rate of men needing renal dialysis (where the blood is ‘cleaned’ regularly because of lowered kidney function) is 88% higher than for women.
- Aboriginal people are seven times more likely to need renal dialysis than non-Aboriginal people.
Helpful resources
Make sure you have regular check-ups with your GP. These resources may also be helpful to maintain good health:
What the data says for Western NSW
Higher than the NSW rates for:
- Emergency department presentations for mental health, by 54%.
- Suicide, by 35% (2016-2020 saw a 45% increase, with more incidents of men than women).
Helpful resources
If you need support, you can reach out to these services:
What the data says for Western NSW
- Percentage of children assessed as being vulnerable in 2 or more categories was 13.7%, above the NSW rate of 9.4%.
- Perinatal (the period of time between when a baby is conceived and when they are 1 year old) deaths are higher than the NSW rate by 26%.
Helpful resources
What the data says for Western NSW
- Alcohol attributable deaths greater than NSW figures by 45% (2.6 times more for men than women).
- Injury/poisoning death rate greater than NSW rate by 45% (twice as many men than women).
Helpful resources
What the data says for Western NSW
- Only 55% of Local Government Areas in Western NSW LHD have a fully fluoridated water supply.
- Hospitalisation of children 0-4 years for removal or restoration of teeth due to dental caries, greater than NSW rate by 56%.