NSW Telco Authority publications

Our most recent reports, guides and plans.

Operational Communications Strategy


The Operational Communications Strategy (OCS) provides a roadmap for the coordination of public safety telecommunications for the NSW Government.

Read the OCS


Cover of the NSW Telco Authority Operational Communications Strategy 2023-2030

Corporate plan


This plan supports our longer-term direction set out in the NSW Government Operational Communications Strategy (OCS) 2020. This is a ten-year roadmap to deliver data-enabled public safety telecommunications programs to a
broader set of customers across the state. The OCS was refreshed in 2023 to reflect our changing environment.

Read the plan

Cover of the NSW Telco Authority 2024-25 Corporate Plan

Annual Report


The NSW Telco Authority Annual Report outlines key highlights from the reporting year including operational activities, program updates and financial statements.

Read the report

The cover of the NSW Telco Authority Annual Report 2023-24

Past Annual Reports

Guidelines and specifications

In-Building Coverage Guidelines

These guidelines have been developed by NSW Telco Authority to guide interested parties regarding the requirements for In-Building (indoor) coverage that will operate as part of the NSW Public Safety Network.

Indoor Radio Services Design Specifications

The purpose of this document is to provide an Indoor Radio Service Design Specification for NSW Telco Authority (NSWTA), NSWTA agencies, building developers, system design service providers and equipment suppliers.

NSW Government agency responsibilities when investing in radio communications

Before you invest, did you know all NSW Government agencies must seek approval from NSW Telco Authority (NSWTA) before investing in radio communications assets or services?

Concerns of Fraud, Corruption and Misconduct

Learn how to report Fraud, Corruption and Misconduct concerns about the New South Wales Government Telecommunications Authority. 

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