NSW Telco Authority

We provide mission-critical communications to emergency services, essential services and government agencies to keep people and places safe and connected across NSW.


Road closed sign on flooded road.

Keeping communities safe

NSW Telco Authority’s Telecommunications Emergency Management Unit (TEMU) works with frontline responders and carriers during emergencies to protect telecommunications infrastructure and help keep communities safe and connected.

The Telecommunications Operations Centre works with Emergency Services Organisations and commercial carriers to identify potential risks and direct resources to protect critical communications assets.


Adult holding child in centre while two volunteers in orange SES gear and helmets look on.

Public Safety Network

Next to Australia’s triple zero emergency hotline, the Public Safety Network (PSN) is the most important critical communications network in NSW. It is one of the largest of its type in the world.

Our customers include emergency services, essential services, government agencies and local councils. We have more than 60 customers with over 64,000 registered radios using the PSN.


Imaginary data lines connecting over a landscape of mountains

NSW Connectivity leadership

We are a connectivity leader for NSW Government. 

We coordinate and align all-of-government connectivity programs and priorities to deliver improved connectivity for communities, businesses, government and emergency services.

The NSW Digital Connectivity Index

Find out your suburb’s connectivity score

An interactive tool designed to measure and evaluate the quality of digital connectivity through three key elements: access, affordability and demographics. 

The NSW Digital Connectivity Index provides NSW Government agencies and communities across the state with reliable and consistent data on connectivity to help make data-informed decisions.

Read more
Male sitting cross legged on a couch looking at a laptop showing the Connectivity Index

Key programs and services


Radio tower in rural setting.

Critical Communications Enhancement Program

NSW Telco Authority's Critical Communications Enhancement Program provides a single network for emergency services. This improves responses to critical incidents and disasters across NSW.


Interior of police car showing mobile radio unit being used by police officers.

Public Safety Mobile Broadband

NSW Telco Authority is working with Emergency Services Organisations, states and territories and the Australian government to support the development of a national Public Safety Mobile Broadband (PSMB). A PSMB will help emergency services communicate and improve responses to critical incidents. 


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Improving connectivity in regional NSW

The NSW Government’s $50 million Connecting Country Communities Fund (CCC) has invested in communications infrastructure to improve voice and data connectivity in regional NSW. 
NSW Telco Authority deliver the program in partnership with the Department of Regional NSW.

More about NSW Telco Authority

Our Advisory Board

NSW Telco Authority has a collaborative Advisory Board of ten part-time members. Membership includes our Managing Director, an independent Chair and both independent and government members.

Our publications

Access publications including our annual report, corporate plan and NSW Government Operational Communications Strategy 2020.

Work with us

Visit I work for NSW for current opportunities.

Contact us

Access the Public Safety Network. Get information for suppliers and contractors or ask about our services​​​​​​.
Make an enquiry

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