Resilient Homes Program, Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams – privacy notice
The Resilient Homes Program (RHP) provides financial support for prioritised homeowners across three streams:
- Home Buyback stream for homes with the greatest flood risk
- Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams providing grants to minimise the impact of future floods.
The RHP is being delivered by the NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA). The Home Raising and Home Retrofit streams (R&R Streams) will provide funding for homeowners to either:
- elevate liveable areas of the home to reduce how often they will be damaged from floods
- possibly relocate the home within the existing property boundary or to an eligible property
- modify areas of homes using flood resilient design techniques and materials to improve resilience to future floods.
RA is asking you to check a box to indicate your consent to it using and disclosing personal information you previously provided with your RHP application in accordance with this Privacy Notice. This will help the RA process your RHP R&R Streams registration more quickly and will avoid the need for RA to contact you to re-collect personal information you have already provided to RA.
How we collect and use your personal information
When you complete a RHP R&R Streams Milestone Payment Claimant Form or RHP - Application Form, RHP – Home Owner Information Form, RHP – Raise and Retrofit Application Form, Home Assessment or respond to later questions from RA, its authorised representatives or its contractors, you will be providing your personal information (including possibly your health information) so that RA can process and assist you through the R&R Stream of the RHP.
Service NSW assists RA to deliver the RHP R&R Streams by answering general enquiries and providing a platform to host data and manage customer interactions. Service NSW may also collect your personal information to record your expression of interest for the RHP R&R Streams or to refer your enquiry to RA.
You are not required to provide your personal information to SNSW or to RA but failure to do will prevent you from registering your interest in the RHP R&R Streams, receiving an offer for financial assistance, or subsequent payments, under the Home Raising or Home Retrofit streams of the RHP.
The personal information you provide, including any health information you provide, will be used for the following purposes:
- confirming receipt of your RHP R&R Streams registration
- assessing your RHP R&R Streams registration
- determining your eligibility under the RHP R&R Streams
- contacting you to discuss your RHP R&R Streams registration, the outcome of that registration, or any other matter relevant to your participation in the RHP R&R Streams
- providing your information to building professionals to understand options identified for you and inform the scoping, delivery and monitoring of recovery activities
- linking the personal information you provide under the RHP R&R Streams with the information you have already provided under the RHP registration
- if you have given consent, the RA may manage personal information you provided previously related to your RHP application, under this Privacy Notice
- contacting you to request further information from you or to follow up on your situation
- contacting you regarding social or affordable housing options including temporary housing
- providing you with practical and personalised assistance relevant to the delivery of the RHP including: the progress of your RHP R&R Streams
- assisting you with any enquiries, complaints and/or appeals
- carrying out audit and compliance activities in relation to the delivery of the RHP, including the RHP R&R Streams
- contacting you regarding other RA programs, or NSW Government programs, that may assist you to recover
- determining any other available disaster relief programs that are fully or partially funded by the NSW Government or the Australian Government, for which you may be eligible
- inviting you to participate in voluntary evaluation of the program, and
- other purposes directly related to facilitating meeting your recovery needs.
How we share your personal information
RA will use your personal information for the purposes for which it was collected or a directly related purpose.
Your personal information may be shared:
- within RA,
- with RA authorised representatives, contractors and service providers,
- with NSW Government Agencies, organisations or companies partnering with RA to deliver the RHP R&R Streams,
- with a building professionals (such as builders, architects, engineers, certifiers), and subcontractors, or other entity involved in assessing, scoping, carrying out or reviewing progress or completed works associated with home raising, relocation or retrofitting your property,
- with local councils, (for example, we may need to share your personal information with a council as part of assessing feasibility of and/or facilitating the raising, retrofitting or relocation of your house).
RA may additionally need to share your personal information with other government and non-government partners not listed here. We will only share your personal information where it relates to the purposes listed above or to a directly related purposes.
RA will not disclose your personal information to anybody else unless required or authorised by law, such as by court order.
More information
Your personal information will be kept private and confidential when it is not being used for the purposes set out above. It will be stored and protected appropriate to the sensitivity of this information and will not be used for any other purpose without your prior consent.
You have the right to access your personal information held by or on behalf of RA, without excessive delay or expense. You also have the right to have your personal information corrected if it is inaccurate or out-of-date.
If you would like to access or correct your personal information, or need to correct your personal information, please contact RA by emailing
You may also contact RA if you have any questions about this privacy notice.
If you would like to know more about how RA meets its regulatory obligations in collecting, using, sharing, and storing personal and health information, you can read their Privacy Management Plan. (PDF 667.29KB)