Information for building design and construction industry | Resilient Homes Program
Find documents and information related to completing works as part of the Resilient Homes Program.
Supporting materials
Exploring options and determining scope of works
Scope of works review and grant offer
Reimbursement and Certificates
Northern Rivers
NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) is encouraging homeowners in the Northern Rivers to search for builders and trades on the Live Northern Rivers site.
Live Northern Rivers is an online one-stop shop for Northern Rivers tenders RA and Regional Development Australia have created an online platform to help businesses in the Northern Rivers find tender opportunities.
Northern Rivers businesses providing building, design, relocation, home raising or relocation services are welcome to set up a profile on the site.
Live Northern Rivers collates all current tender opportunities through local councils and the NSW Government in one place. This will help businesses find local work more easily and supports economic recovery and jobs in the Northern Rivers.
Fact sheets and guidance
Find resources about the Resilient Homes Program in our Reports and publications library.