Key information
The Feral Pig Program successfully reduced feral pig populations and their impacts across NSW through increased coordinated support and broadscale control programs, using the latest technologies.
This program was delivered between October 2023 and June 2024, achieving:
Project background
Feral pigs are a significant threat to agriculture and the environment, causing damage to crops, pastures, and waterways while preying on native species. Coordinated efforts across NSW have been crucial to managing these impacts.
Project timeline
- October 2023: program commenced.
- June 2024: target exceeded with 112,888 feral pigs controlled.
- Continued pest animal control and landholder support under the Feral Pig and Pest Program.
Project status updates
- 869 properties participating
- 12,651 feral pigs controlled
- 2.43 million hectares protected
Read the full Feral Pig Program update for December 2023. (PDF 2.33MB)
- 2,728 properties participating
- 45,703 feral pigs controlled
- 5.62 million hectares protected
Read the full Feral Pig Program update for March 2024. (PDF 609.79KB)
- 7,375 properties participating
- 112,888 feral pigs controlled
- 14.87 million hectares protected
Read the full Feral Pig Program update for July 2024. (PDF 2.56MB)
Project outcomes
Work undertaken during the project included:
- Engagement:
- 10,325 consultations with land managers
- 96 awareness events with 1,746 participants
- 335 landholders surveyed for impact monitoring
- Feral Fighters program:
- 223 participants at 21 free Vertebrate Pesticide Induction Training (VPIT) in-person courses
- 199,886 kg of free bait issued
- 231,870 kg of free feed grain provided to 1,392 landholders, protecting 4.19 million hectares
- Ground control:
- 13,546 feral pigs culled through trapping programs
- 1,326 properties participating
- 1,679,270 hectares protected
- Aerial control:
- 99,342 feral pigs controlled during 49 aerial campaigns
- 4,657 properties participating
- 8.99 million hectares protected.
The program also appointed NSW’s first dedicated Feral Pig Coordinator to lead efforts and ensure consistent reporting of control activities.
Program success stories
Hear directly from landholders who have received support from Local Land Services and are having success with their feral pig control methods.
Funding and partnerships
The 2023 to 2024 Feral Pig Program was funded by the NSW Government and delivered by Local Land Services.
Key delivery partners included:
- private landholders
- regional biosecurity teams
- public land managers and government agencies like NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
This collaborative effort ensured coordinated pest control across public and private lands.
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