We offer private rental assistance to help you:
- set up or maintain a tenancy in the private sector
- pay urgent housing related costs like rent arrears
- move from public housing to private rental accommodation.
Private rental assistance options
Statement of Satisfactory Tenancy
A Statement of Satisfactory Tenancy can be used as a reference in a rental applications. It is available to current or former tenants of public housing. It may help a landlord or real estate agent decide if you will be a suitable tenant for a property.
Private rental brokerage service
The private rental brokerage service helps you and your support agency set up a tenancy in the private rental market if you have complex needs.
Bond Extra
A Bond Extra gives landlords and real estate agents extra cover for rental arrears or property damage. This incentive helps you secure a lease in the private market if you're struggling to find housing.
Rentstart Bond Loan
With the Rentstart Bond Loan you can get an interest-free loan to help pay your rental bond if you're eligible.
Advance Rent
Advance Rent is available if you're a Bond Loan client or moving into low-cost housing that requires a deposit, this service can help with advance rent.
Rentstart Move
Rentstart Move is loan helps you with moving costs if you're leaving public housing.
Tenancy Assistance
Tenancy Assistance is available if you're renting in the private market, this can help with rent and water arrears if you're eligible.
Temporary Accommodation
The Temporary Accommodation service helps you address short-term housing needs.
Rent Choice Youth
Rent Choice Youth is available to people aged 16 to 24 years.
Rent Choice Veterans
The Rent Choice Veterans service is for former members of the Australian Defence Force.
Private rental subsidy
A private rental subsidy helps with medium-term housing until you can get social housing.
How to apply
To apply for private rental assistance, complete the application for housing assistance. You can do this online or at your local Homes NSW office.
Your application will be assessed to determine if a private rental assistance product is suitable for you.