Temporary accommodation for people experiencing homelessness
Temporary accommodation provides short-term stays in low-cost motels or caravan parks for people experiencing homelessness.
Family Assist factsheet for caseworkers
Family Assist offers a private rental subsidy for up to 5 years. It is for families who have a housing need.
Homes NSW Component Requirements
Outlines the requirements for components and sub components in dwellings and buildings owned by Homes NSW.
Personal advisor role for caseworkers
This factsheet provides information on the relationship between the Youth Initiative Personal Advisor and the role of Caseworkers working young people leaving Out of Home Care.
Community housing
Community housing is one of the 3 ways social housing is provided in NSW. It offers secure affordable rental housing for those on very low to moderate incomes.
Rent Choice Youth support agency locations
Rent Choice Youth helps 16 to 24 year olds without stable housing. It offers short to medium-term private rental assistance. Search from the list to locate a support agency in your area.
Air conditioners: guidelines for use in public housing
Information for public housing tenants on how to use your air conditioner to heat and cool your living area, how to keep the filters clean, and tips to reduce costs.
Fact sheet 3: Evidence summary
This fact sheet outlines the evidence behind the vision, outcomes, principles and focus areas of the NSW Homelessness Strategy 2025-2035.
Rent Choice Veterans
Rent Choice Veterans provides short- to medium-term rental assistance to former Australian Defence Force members who need a safe and stable place to live.
Private rental subsidy: who is eligible and how to apply
Information on who is eligible for a private rental subsidy and how to apply for the subsidy.