2. Liveable regional communities

Outcome: Ensure our services are accessible and inclusive.


Key measures we will use to track our progress

Improved rates of participation of people with disability in community consultation.

Increased communication and promotion of events and activities across the state that are accessible and inclusive.

Increased number of grants programs that consider disability inclusion.

Increased number of services procured from businesses that benefit people
with disability.




Establish a community consultation group with diverse representation, including people with disability and carers, to consult on relevant policies and programs that impact regional communities.Strategy Media and Ministerial Services DivisionQ4 FY27/28



Develop a communications process to showcase best practice case studies of departmental community events, activities and developments that prioritise disability inclusion, raising awareness of these initiatives within the department and broader community.Strategy Media and Ministerial Services DivisionQ1 FY26/27



Update the current grant application processes to ensure programs reflect accessibility and inclusion considerations.Grants and Lending DivisionQ2 FY27/28



Develop a social impact procurement guide to help the department engage with organisations and services that support people with disability.Finance, Property Procurement and Fleet DivisionQ4 FY26/27



Review and internally promote the existing ‘Events Best Practice Guidelines’ to ensure that all community events hosted by the department are accessible and inclusive, supporting people with disability.Strategy Media and Ministerial Services DivisionQ4 FY24/25

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