Third-party lobbyist
Important decisions need to be transparent, without undue influence, or the perception of undue influence, by external parties.
The Lobbying of Government Official Act 2011 and the related NSW Lobbying Code of Conduct provide a framework for managing interactions with third-party lobbyists and business contacts.
Third-party and business contacts lobbyist meeting requests
Third-party and business contacts lobbyists who wish to meet with a staff member of the department must complete and submit a meeting request form through the third-party and business contacts lobbyist portal at least 3 business days in advance of the proposed meeting date.
Third-party lobbyist and business contact register
The third-party and business contacts lobbyist register records meetings between the department and lobbyists and is maintained in accordance with the legislative framework, providing a transparent and accessible system for lobbyists.
Third-party and business contacts lobbyist register records meetings between the department and lobbyists and is maintained in accordance with the objectives of the Lobbying of Government Official Act 2011 and the related NSW Lobbyists Code of Conduct.
Project | To discuss issues concerning the 99-year leases on Quay West, which expire on 5th December 2088 |
Date | 20 January 2025 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory |
Organisation/Individual represented | Quay West Lease Renewal Group |
Location | Placemaking NSW Office |
Subject Matter | This meeting was held in good faith to seek resolution on the matters raised below. The meeting was held on a without prejudice and confidential basis, in strict confidence and cannot be used or referred to by either party in any expert determination or court proceedings. The meeting did not discuss the Commercial Strata, the Commercial Strata lease or any other matters connected to the current legal action. Re: Replacement / Extension of Present Leasehold
Re: Amendment to existing clauses considered onerous to lot owners
Project | Rezoning of 9-15 Robert Street, Canterbury via TOD Program |
Date | 6 February 2025 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma, Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory (IPPA) requested this meeting on behalf of Growthbuilt, however IPPA did not attend this meeting. |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | IPPA requested this meeting, however, did not attend |
Organisation/Individual represented | Growthbuilt |
Location | Microsoft Teams |
Subject Matter | GrowthBuilt is seeking additional uplift for 9-15 Robert Street (the site) via Canterbury-Bankstown Council’s masterplan for Canterbury local centre. Council’s masterplan was prepared as an alternative to controls proposed under the Transport Oriented Development (TOD) Program. GrowthBuilt advised that Canterbury-Bankstown Council is not opposed to the uplift subject to resolving concerns about solar access to Robert Street. However, council was unable to include updates in time to meet the Minister’s deadline for submitting the masterplan to the Department (October 2024). GrowthBuilt sought confirmation from Department regarding:
The Department advised planning controls contrary to those recommended by council’s masterplan are unlikely to be supported as it may establish an undesirable precedent. Further delay to the implementation of the Canterbury TOD is also unlikely to be supported given the housing crises. The Department's position is that any variation to the exhibited planning scheme endorsed by Council should be progressed as a planning proposal - particularly in cases like this where there is a significant increase in height and FSR The Department further noted the Housing Delivery Authority (HDA) EOI process provides an opportunity for GrowthBuilt to seek uplift via concurrent development application and rezoning, subject to meeting the HDA criteria. The Department advised finalisation of LMR Stage 2 remains a priority. The Department agreed to:
Project | Ramsay Health Care Australia - Westmead Private Hospital Upgrade - Planning Proposal and proposed SSD Application |
Date | 10 February 2025 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory |
Organisation/Individual represented | Mike Pain – Ramsay Health Care |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney (Teams, face to face meeting) |
Subject Matter | Westmead Private Hospital Planning Proposal - PP-2021-7031
Project | Redevelopment of Bankstown Square retail precinct |
Date | 18 January 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | lemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Vicinty |
Location | 231 Elizabeth Street, Sydney (department offices) |
Subject Matter | Landmark discussed their vision for the Vicinity Shopping Centre in Bankstown, which is subject to a current planning proposal. They said that they were working well with Transport for NSW and Council to resolve remaining issues. Amanda Harvey indicated that with the site forming part of the identified Transport Orientated Development Precinct (recently announced by the Minister), there was an option to be included in this propose or continue on with the current planning proposal – both as a means of rezoning the site in accordance with Council’s masterplan. |
Project | Lachlan's Line, Macquarie Park and New McLean St, Edgecliff |
Date | 18 January 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | lemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group |
Organisation/Individual represented | Landmark |
Location | 231 Elizabeth Street (department offices) |
Subject Matter | Landmark outlined their proposed changes to their development application scheme in the Macquarie Park and indicated that Council has provided some indication of support. David Gainsford (Deputy Secretary) agreed to follow up with his team on approach to the changes. Landmark also outlined their planning proposal to rezone their site at Edgecliff, saying that they have been working with Council on this scheme for a number of years. Amanda Harvey confirmed that the department had recently received their Rezoning Review request and will proceed to request the Panel to meet to undertake this review once the payment of the fees was made. |
Project | Planning Proposal for a large mixed-use development, including significant public domain enhancements, at the Kogarah Town Centre |
Date | 01 February 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Todd Hayward |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Telamon Consulting |
Organisation/Individual represented | Ganellen Property |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney (department offices) |
Subject Matter | Proposal for development of the site directly adjacent to and over the Kogarah Station In the meeting the proponent had attempted previously to rezone the site through a planning proposal but later withdrew this and hadn’t progressed a State Significant Development Application (SSDA) either. Department’s advice in the meeting was to resolve the landowner consent matter as the land to which the proposal is situated in owned by State Government, before progressing a rezoning or development application proposal if agreeable to Government. Department staff then advised a proposal for rezoning or SSDA could be progressed with that consent. If a planning proposal for rezoning is sought, advice was given to talk to Georges River Council and come back to the Department for any SSDA that may be sought. |
Project | Sites 2A and 2B, Sydney Olympic Park, 17 George Street, North Strathfield and 15-17 and 25-27 Blaxland Road and 440-442 Concord Road, Rhodes |
Date | 13 February 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Ecove |
Location | 231 Elizabeth Street, Sydney (department offices) |
Subject Matter | Sites 2A and 2B, Sydney Olympic Park Discussed the challenges in redeveloping the site. The Department noted that SOPA’s owners’ consent would be required for any development application. 17 George Street, North Strathfield Ecove outlined proposal to rezone this site. The department confirmed the site is in a TOD Accelerated Precinct and a TOD SEPP area, is working with council on a strategic pathway for rezoning of these areas and would likely be contact with Ecove on this matter at an appropriate time in the TOD process. 15-17 and 25-27 Blaxland Road and 440-442 Concord Road, Rhodes Ecove outlined concerns that the current planning controls and infrastructure arrangements in the LEP hampered feasibility to develop the site. The Department said that any amendments to these controls would require an LEP amendment and that more info was needed, so requested that Ecove write to Department to better explain issues and proposed solutions. |
Project | Hymix Blackwattle Bay options for renewal in the Blackwattle Bay State Signiciant Precinct |
Date | 20 February 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Heidelberg Hymix |
Location | 231 Elizabeth Street, Sydney (department offices) |
Subject Matter | Future Redevelopment of Hymix Plant at Blackwattle Bay Hymix presented alternative development options for its site to develop an integrated batching plant and mixed-use development and indicated that redevelopment of the site under the current FSR and planning controls is currently not feasible. Hymix representatives noted that land swap options have been presented to INSW and Hymix is awaiting a response from INSW. The department advised that any change to the current controls and permissibility to accommodate the options presented required LEP amendments, which would require reconsideration of environmental, amenity and traffic impacts. |
Project | Planning proposal for 34-46 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest |
Date | 27 February 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Wesco |
Location | MS Teams |
Subject Matter | Proponent outlined background, evolution of proposal, and their original proposal for site at 5.8:1 floor space ratio (FSR). Proponent sought advice on a pathway to progress their original proposal. The department noted the current proposal under assessment for Gateway determination seeks 3:1 FSR and amending to 5.8:1 is not appropriate through Gateway determination. Should the proponent wish to seek to progress the original proposal, the Department suggested the proponent engage with Council on a new proposal and its merits |
Project | Potential development in the Turrella area |
Date | 4 March 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Leamac |
Location | King Street office (departmental offices) |
Subject Matter | Discussed the potential for redevelopment of the industrial precinct in Turrella, which has the potential to deliver green grid, housing supply, jobs, public infrastructure, community support services. Advice sought now that Turrella is a Transport Oriented Development State Environmental Planning Policy (TOD SEPP). DPHI advice clarified that the TOD programme will not deliver an outcome for this land. The department is looking to retain and manage policy for employment lands as part of its work to finalise the new Region and City Plans. |
Project | Redevelopment 45 to 53 Macleay Street |
Date | 8 April 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Time and Place |
Location | King Street office (departmental offices) |
Subject Matter | The City of Sydney's planning proposal regarding dwelling retention was discussed. There is a current DA on the site that may be adversely impacted by the planning proposal. The department advised that a gateway determination has been issued and that the landowner should review the department's assessment report and conditions available on the Portal. The City of Sydney is the relevant planning proposal authority and detailed submissions should be made to Council during exhibition. The department will be the local plan making authority for the PP and will make the final decision on the plan. |
Project | Moore Point Planning Proposal |
Date | 8 April 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Leamac |
Location | King Street office (departmental offices) |
Subject Matter | Delays impacting Moore Pont Planning Proposal, Liverpool
Leamac - owned site in Turrella
Project | Blaxland Road and Concord Road, Rhodes |
Date | 14 May 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group (IPPA) |
Organisation/Individual represented | Bassam Aflak/Ecove Group |
Location | MS Teams |
Subject Matter |
Project | Discussion about the ongoing rendering service to the NSW and Sydney market. Options about relocation of facility and pathways to government support. |
Date | 28 May 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Craig Regan |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Primary Comms Group |
Organisation/Individual represented | AJ Bush Meat Rendering |
Location | Office of Minister Scully |
Subject Matter | Cameron Bush outlined the AJ Bush business, including history of the Riverstone Site, comparison between NSW and QLD operations, product lines and waste water treatment practices. Cameron Bush also outlined the process taken to date to find an alternative site in NSW. Need a site approx. 2hrs drive from Sydney. Due to challenges with high land prices in the Sydney Basin, sites in Eastern Creek and Western Sydney are not economical for their business. Aerotropolis is not serviced, and cost of infrastructure too high. Have looked at a site in Kemps Creek (co location with Sydney Water) but discussions have been ongoing for 5yrs and not progressing. Sites in SAPs (Parkes, Wagga) too far – rail transfer of product not practical. They are in discussions regarding a site in Goulburn – this is the most likely option. Reiterated that want to stay in the rendering business, as there is a strong market for their product. Raised the idea of a green hub but acknowledged no precincts have been identified in the Sydney basin. Presented a paper titled ‘A Sustainable and Circular Green Hub Precinct’. AJ Bush have taken the decision to close their Riverstone site. The operations are 70yrs old, and not modern. The decision to close is not new, AJ Bush have been planning this for a while as urban development has encroached on their site. Outlined that AJ Bush are committed to exiting and remediating the Riverstone site. They currently have 100 million litres of waste water to irrigate. It will take 4-5yrs to discharge this water via the trade waste system. Have requested from OSL they be allowed to irrigate as per current practices, but OSL have refused this claiming that past environmental performance is the reason for the refusal. AJ Bush have taken offense to this, and have asked the Minister to intervene. Gino asked for documentation. Cameron Bush briefly outlined the arrangement they have with their neighbour, Birds and OSL to acquire the land. AJ Bush outlined the next steps for developing a new site in Goulburn, including current council discussions, and the work they have done on feasibility. |
Project | Kurnell Peninsula |
Date | 24 June 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group |
Organisation/Individual represented | Holt Estate, Besmaw and Urbis |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney (departmental offices) |
Subject Matter | Attendees primarily sought advice from the department on how to progress the Planning Progress at Kurnell Peninsula. Attendees raised that the issues which Council have with the Proposal have alredy largely been resolved and therefore are wanting to see how the Proposal can progress. The department will conduct a light touch re-evaluation to see where this Proposal may fit in the rezoning pathways framework. |
Project | Fairfield Stage 2 Planning Proposal and other matters |
Date | 24 June 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group |
Organisation/Individual represented | Elanor Group |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney (departmental offices) |
Subject Matter | Eleanor Group primarily sought advice from the department on how to progress the Fairfield Stage 2 Planning Proposal. Prioritisation of State-wide flood mitigation response and evacuation issues at the Fairfield site were discussed. The department advised Eleanor that Council will need to complete an evacuation study and develop a plan based on the modelling work they have completed. Flood risk at a site in Queanbeyan was briefly discussed. Timing of the Bankstown Transport Oriented Development (TOD) was briefly discussed. The department advised announcements will be made in due course. |
Project | Introduction to Ashurst Risk Advisory |
Date | 27 June 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Organised by Stephen Coutts, Director |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Richardson Coutts |
Organisation/Individual represented | Ashurst Risk Advisory
Location | Teams |
Subject Matter | Introduction to Ashurst Risk Advisory and the work they do in the climate change and sustainability area to facilitate the delivery of ESG commitments. |
Project | Lachlan's Line and Macquarie Park |
Date | 1 July 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPPA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group |
Organisation/Individual represented | Landmark, Planning Ingenuity, JFC Studios |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney (departmental offices) |
Subject Matter |
Project | Derriwong Road and Old Northern Road, Dural Planning Proposal |
Date | 12 September 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Duncan Bremner, Senior Counsel |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Primary Communication |
Organisation/Individual represented | Legacy Property |
Location | Level 11, 135 King Street, Sydney |
Subject Matter |
Project | Rezoning Review – 2024 – 31 – Derriwong Road, Dural |
Date | 20 September 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Duncan Bremner, Senior Counsel |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Primary Communication |
Organisation/Individual represented | Mike Williams – Legacy Property / Clare Brown – Urbis |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney and via Microsoft teams meeting (for Clare Brown) |
Subject Matter |
Project | Relocation of Mamre Anglican School |
Date | 09 October 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Pnina Hagege, Associate Director – GRACosway |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | GRACosway |
Organisation/Individual represented | The Anglican Schools Corporation |
Location | Microsoft Teams (virtual) |
Subject Matter | The Anglican Schools Corporation (TASC) provided an overview of Mamre Anglican School, which accommodates approximately 800 students across kindergarten to Year 12 but is anticipated to grow to 1,200 student places. TASC is concerned the recent rezoning of Mamre Road Precinct introduces incompatible surrounding land uses and limits the future expansion of the school. TASC is also concerned about the impact construction activity on adjacent land is having on the safety of school children. Separately, TASC has been approached by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) regarding the potential acquisition of land to support the development of an intermodal terminal west of the school site. In response, TASC proposes to relocate the school to Sydney Science Park located within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. TASC confirmed they are also seeking compensation from the NSW Government to help fund the school’s relocation. The Planning Concierge confirmed the department can provide guidance for future planning proposals and state significant development application processes to support the delivery of the new school, noting initial discussions are already underway. |
Project | Westmead Private Hospital – Planning Proposal |
Date | 22 October 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | IPPA |
Organisation/Individual represented | Ramsay Health |
Location | DPHI Office, Level 11, 135 King Street, Sydney |
Subject Matter |
SSD SEARs Scoping Document – This will be referred to BCS and SES. A comprehensive flood information pack is needed from Ramsay to present the best chance of success. |
Project | Infill affordable housing proposal at 45-53 Macleay Street, Potts Point |
Date | 28 November 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma IPAA |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Group |
Organisation/Individual represented | Time and Place |
Location | 135 King Street, Sydney (Department offices)/MS Teams |
Subject Matter | Time and Place raised an issue around a City of Sydney planning proposal which seeks to amend the Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 to include a dwelling retention provision. Time and Place were concerned about the impacts of this planning proposal on its project at Pott Points which seeks to replace old stock studio apartments with new market and affordable housing managed by a community housing provider. Time and Place requested that the Department consider the proposed savings and transitional provisions to allow this project to proceed. The Department outlined that it is yet to receive the planning proposal from Council for finalisation and that it will consider the proposal against the Gateway conditions and undertake an assessment before finalising the proposal. |
Project | Compulsory acquisition of corner Watch House Road and Reservoir Road, Liverpool |
Date | 4 December 2024 |
Registered Lobbyist | Emma Webster, Director |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Hawker Britton |
Organisation/Individual represented | BAI Communications |
Location | Microsoft Teams (virtual) |
Subject Matter |
Project / Issue / Location | Green Gravity Energy Storage |
Date | 6 March 2023 |
Registered Lobbyist | Timothy Robertson |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Tim Robertson Advisory Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Green Gravity Energy Pty Ltd |
Location | Microsoft Teams virtual meeting |
Subject Matter | Green Gravity are proposing energy storage using technology in disused mine sites using dropping and raising a 30 tonne weight in a disused underground mine shafts but developing technology for open cut. Green Gravity are:
Department noted potential issues for how rehabilitation works at the mine site with existing rehabilitation requirements for mines, and potential for noise impacts, transport impacts. |
Project / Issue / Location | Flood Advisory Panel - 150 Lismore Road, Bangalow |
Date | 6 April 2023 - 11:00AM - 12:00PM |
Registered Lobbyist | Michael Teoh |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT Group (Australia) Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Andrew More (landowner - 150 Lismore Road, Bangalow) |
Location | Microsoft Teams virtual meeting |
Subject Matter | This meeting was requested by the Flood Advisory Panel (Panel) so that the Proponent for 150 Lismore Road Bangalow could provide an overview of the planning proposal and discuss the submitted documents relating to flood matters. The Proponent provided an overview of the planning proposal and the flood impact assessment undertaken for the site. The proponent then responded to Panel questions on the flood impact assessment and modelling. Finally, the Panel provided a brief update on stakeholder meetings held to date and provided an indication of timing and the next steps for the Flood Advisory Panel process. |
Project | Vicinity Centre’s development portfolio |
Date | 4 May 2023, 2pm – 2:45pm |
Registered Third Party Lobbyist | Timothy Robertson |
Registered Third Party Lobbyist Entity | Tim Robertson Advisory Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Vicinity Centres, Chris Pratt (Project Director) |
Location | Online – Microsoft Teams meeting |
Subject Matter | Regular meeting with Vicinity and Planning Concierge to discuss Vicinity Centre’s (Vicinity) development portfolio with planning system interface and any new or upcoming DPE policy reform agendas that may be of strategic interest to Vicinity’s portfolio. Vicinity provided updates with respect to their Bankstown Central, Roselands and Chatswood developments. Vicinity requested that Planning Concierge liaise with Bankstown Council should there be any further delays in Council providing a final draft of the DCP and VPA legal drafting relating to their Bankstown Central development. Vicinity will keep Concierge updated on engagements with Council, which are scheduled for 8 May 2023. |
Project | St Leonards Build to Rent |
Date | 17 July 2023 |
Registered Third Party Lobbyist | Michael Teoh |
Registered Third Party Lobbyist Entity | C|T Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Home Apartments |
Location | 231 Elizabeth Street, Sydney |
Subject Matter | St Leonards BTR Project Notes taken by: Elise Crameri, A/Director Metro East (PDU) Home Apartments provided an overview of other Build To Rent projects and the status of negotiations on the public benefit offer. DPE advised it had reviewed the current public benefit offer DPE advised it will provide guidance to Home Apartments about exceptional public benefit. |
Project | NSW Land and Housing Corporation Policy & Innovation - Modular Housing Research |
Date | 3 August 2023 |
Registered Third Party Lobbyist | Jack de Hennin (Senior Associate) |
Registered Third Party Lobbyist Entity | Pyne & Partners |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Luyten 3D Housing |
Location | Microsoft Teams virtual meeting |
Subject Matter | To introduce Ahmed Mahil, the Co-founder and global CEO of Luyten 3D printing, which is a concrete printing business, to NSW Land and Housing Corporation staff who are connected to innovation in housing construction methods. |
Project | PDNSW and Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney |
Date | 13 October 2023 |
Registered Lobbyist | Christopher Hall |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Primary Communications Partners Pty Ltd |
Organisation / Individual Represented | Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney |
Location | Face to face meeting |
Subject Matter | Meeting held to discuss the Diocese' interest in the future use of the Registrar General's Building. |
Project | Ingham Property Group’s proposal for Works in Kind (WIK) for Badgerys Creek road upgrades |
Date | 20 October 2023 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Pty Ltd |
Organisation / Individual Represented | Ingham Property Development Services Pty Ltd |
Location | Teams |
Subject Matter |
Project | Development at 2A/2B Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park |
Date | 24 October 2023 |
Registered Lobbyist | Morris Iemma |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Iemma Patterson Premier Advisory Pty Ltd |
Organisation / Individual Represented | Ecove Site 2 Pty Ltd |
Location | Face to face and teams |
Subject Matter |
Project | GPT Northern Frame Rouse Hill Strategic Centre |
Date | 16 November 2023 |
Registered Lobbyist | Christopher Hill |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Primary Communictions Partners Pty Ltd |
Organisation / Individual Represented | GPT and Ethos Urban |
Location | MS Teams |
Subject Matter |
Project / Issue / Location | Sewerage servicing issues for a Planning Proposal at a site in Picton |
Date | 16 December 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Dylan Whitelaw |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Macquarie Advisory Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Dartanyon |
Location | Microsoft Teams virtual meeting |
Subject Matter | Dylan Whitelaw, on behalf of Dartanyon, sought a meeting with PDU and Sydney Water to discuss sewerage servicing issues for a planning proposal for their site in Picton. The planning proposal has not yet been submitted, and the site is within the Picton STP catchment area. The key outcome Dartanyon expressed they sought was to obtain written correspondence from Sydney Water to provide to Wollondilly Shire Council acknowledging that they (Sydney Water) have no objection to the planning proposal on the basis that there will be no construction until there is further capacity in the Picton facility. |
Primary Outcome | Sydney Water outlined, in response to a planning proposal referral, that they could not provide a ‘no objections’ letter as proposed by Dartanyon. If there was material progress to a commercial agreement involving the development receiving significantly more treated wastewater (e.g. for irrigation) than it generated, Sydney Water could reference this in a referral response. Dartanyon were provided with contact details for Wayne Jackson and Kristine Leitch (Sydney Water) to engage in further discussion directly if required. Note that Dylan Whitelaw was also requested to complete and return to DPE the Third Party Lobbyist meeting request form.. |
Project / Issue / Location | Sydney warehouse supply DHL |
Date | 4 November 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | David Miles |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Willard Public Affairs |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | DHL |
Subject Matter | Sydney warehouse supply DHL |
Primary Outcome | Requested a meeting to discuss DHL’s current development applications to address some of Sydney’s warehouse shortage. Advised in summary there are four projects – two at Horsley Park and to at Badgerys Creek – compromising over 200,000 m2 of warehouse space. |
Project / Issue / Location | Chatswood Chase, Affordable Housing Contributions under the draft Willoughby Comprehensive LEP |
Date | 21 October 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Tim Robertson |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Tim Robertson Advisory |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Chris Pratt/Vicinity Centres |
Subject Matter | Meeting requested as a follow up from July meeting for Vincinity Centres to provide additional information regarding the impact on feasibility/return relating to the affordable housing provision. |
Primary Outcome | Chris Pratt to email copy of spreadsheet for information and internal DPE consideration on this policy issue. |
Project / Issue / Location | Vicinity Centre re VC portfolio, development pipeline, PP Delays |
Date | 20 October 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Tim Robertson |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Tim Robertson Advisory |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Peter Huddle/Vicinity Centres |
Subject Matter | Meeting requested to discuss Vicinity Centres portfolio, development pipeline and planning proposal delays. |
Primary Outcome | Overview of Vicinity’s approach for shopping centres was provided. Planning proposal was lodged by Vicinity prior to Council proceeding with Masterplan. Vicinity currently working with TfNSW in respect of bus interchange. DPE expecting Gateway determination week commencing 24 October. |
Project / Issue / Location | Site Property NSW is selling in Newcastle (Mayfield) |
Date | 28 June 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Remo Nogarotto, Executive Chairman |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Crosby Textor |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Crosby Textor |
Subject Matter | Site Property NSW is selling in Newcastle (Mayfield) |
Primary Outcome | Mr Nogarotto called to ask why a Singaporean tenderer was not included on the short list for a site Property NSW is selling in Newcastle (Mayfield). Advised tenderer should follow the process and write to Property NSW. |
Project / Issue / Location | St Johns Anglican Church Planning Proposal |
Date | 2 June 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Tim Robertson |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Robertson Advisory |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | St Johns Anglican Church |
Subject Matter | To discuss the St John’s Anglican Church’s Planning Proposal in the Parramatta CBD and relationship to recently finalised Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal. |
Primary Outcome | The proponents outlined the history of the church and the current planning proposal. The participants in the meeting discussed the planning proposal. Exhibition closed 30 May. Noted mix of support and opposition through submissions. Departmental staff noted that an extension to the gateway had recently been given to council in recognition of the large number of submissions received during the exhibition process. It was noted that the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal (CBD PP) was recently finalised and DPE did not support unlimited office FSR, a policy which is repeated in the St Johns proposal. Departmental staff advised that DPE needs to wait for council review and decision prior to forming a view on the proposal. DPE have not seen submissions nor council’s response to matters raised. No further action required at this time. |
Project / Issue / Location | Public Benefits of St Leonards development through metro connectivity |
Date | 30 May 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Tim Robertson |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Tim Robertson Advisory |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | John Carfi |
Subject Matter | Application that had been previously discussed at previous meeting has recently been refused by council. Details were given and questions were asked surrounding next steps and outstanding issues. Proponent was investigating options moving forward. |
Primary Outcome | No specific action for agency unless DPE was to be directed by Minister under s3.32 or the productivity commission review. Agency will consider if any alternate avenues other than what was suggested exist with consultation of the team who wrote the planning instrument. |
Project / Issue | Housing Acceleration Fund – Kings Hill Interchange |
Date | 16 May 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT Group |
Location: (teams, face to face meeting) | Teams meeting |
Primary Outcome | DPE provided an update on the progress of the business case development of the Kings Hill Interchange and associated drainage channel. DPE have proposed to established an inter-agency Project Control Group (PCG) to resolve project issues highlighted by a recent independent review on the business case. The Proponents provided an update on the concept development application. DPE to refer to the PCG to decide on how best to manage ongoing communication with proponents and other landowners in Kings Hill Urban Release Area. |
Project / Issue | The Star’s proposal for a 6 star hotel in Pyrmont |
Date | 11 May 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | SEC Newgate |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | The Star |
Location: (teams, face to face meeting) | In person |
Primary Outcome | The Star identified 3 issues for discussion in relation to building setbacks, podium height and the proposed through site link. A performance-based solution to setbacks and height was agreed in principle, as was an outcomes-focused approach to the through site link. The Department to confirm approaches with The Star over the coming week. |
Project / Issue / Location | Planning Proposal – 945 Old Pacific Highway and 66 Myorra Road, Somersby |
Date | 16 March 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | CT Corporate Advisory Pty Limited |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT Corporate Advisory Pty Limited |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | WCTV Pty Ltd |
Subject Matter | The proponent is requesting to discuss the strategic and site-specific merit of the former Old Sydney Town site, specifically related to tourism and residential land uses. |
Primary Outcome | The Department explained the Somersby area is identified as a regionally significant employment location in the current Central Coast Regional Plan 2036. The Department further explained the draft Central Coast Regional Plan 2041 has been publicly exhibited and does identify a tourism precinct at Somersby and that any residential development is to be designed to avoid compromising existing or potential industrial activities at the industrial precinct. |
PMNSW met with Circular Quay tenant Wahlburgers, plus their planner Gabriel Cirillo and Kerry Chikarovski of Chikarovski and Associates to discuss licensed outdoor seating including colour, misting, amplified music and the provision of land-owner’s consent.
Project / Issue / Location | Outdoor seating at Circular Quay |
Date | 7 February 2022 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovski |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Kerry Chikarovski and Associates |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Wahlburgers |
Subject Matter | Outdoor seating |
Primary Outcome | To discuss licensed outdoor seating including colour, misting, amplified music and the provision of land-owner’s consent. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Vicinity Centres project portfolio |
Date | 22 November 2021 |
Registered Lobbyist | Tim Robertson, Tim Robertson Advisory |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Tim Robertson, Tim Robertson Advisory |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Vicinity Centres |
Subject Matter | Vicinity Centres project portfolio |
Primary Outcome |
Contact Type |
Project / Issue / Location | Meeting facilitated between Proponent and, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in relation to a tourism-based proposal |
Date | 14 October 2021 |
Registered Lobbyist | CT Corporate Advisory Pty Limited |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT Corporate Advisory Pty Limited |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Winarch Capital |
Subject Matter | The proponent is requesting the project be considered for a State Led Process. Winarch is to provide a more detailed breakdown of the different enterprises occurring within the development as the proposal is not wholly permissible under the LEP. DPIE has requested Winarch forward legal advice on amphitheatre precedence. |
Primary Outcome | Additional information to be provided by proponent |
Contact Type | Via video |
Project / Issue / Location | Draft Housing SEPP and Student accommodation provisions |
Date | 23 August 2021 |
Registered Lobbyist | CT Corporate Advisory Pty Limited |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT Corporate Advisory Pty Limited |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Wee-Hur |
Subject Matter | Draft Housing SEPP and student accommodation provisions |
Primary Outcome | Wee Hur gave a short presentation about their business, advising that they are providers of student housing in Australia, with two existing properties in Sydney and plans for expansion. Wee Hur also operate in other states. No development applications or future development sites were discussed. The main area of discussion was the draft SEPP and the lack of student housing-specific provisions. Wee Hur advised that the draft co-living provisions had the potential to limit their future development opportunities, with the main concern being the proposed rates of car parking. Wee Hur were also concerned about minimum room sizes proposed by the SEPP. It was noted that some councils have generous parking provisions for student accommodation, but Wee Hur would prefer the certainty that comes with SEPP controls rather than relying on council DCPs. |
Commitments | No commitments were made and no future meetings are proposed. |
Contact Type | Online meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Murray Irrigation district |
Date | 18 May 2021 |
Registered Lobbyist | Richardson Coutts Pty Ltd |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Richardson Coutts Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Murray Irrigation |
Subject Matter | System optimisation project opportunities in Murray Irrigation district. |
Primary Outcome | Murray Irrigation have a number of projects that are at various stages of concept development and planning. The Barmah Millewa Choke optimisation project is furthest progressed. Water Infrastructure NSW (WINSW) noted that there are opportunities for funding through the National Water Grid Authority (NWGA) for both Strategic and Final Business Cases, and for Construction. WINSW discussed the NWGA process including timing of applications, need for the State to be the proponent of both the funding application and the funding agreement, and funding percentage agreements. WINSW noted that the Commonwealth are open to bringing forward projects that result in efficiencies, and that we would support the Barmah Choke project being further scoped. WINSW confirmed that we can assist Murray Irrigation through providing templates from NWGA and providing support and advice to Murray Irrigation when filling in the applications. Murray Irrigation agreed to provide further information to WINSW on proposed projects. |
Contact Type |
Project / Issue / Location | Somersby Regional Gateway |
Date | 21 April 2021 |
Registered Lobbyist | Berge Okosdinossian |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | WCTV Pty Ltd |
Subject Matter | Review process and submissions to the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036, specifically in the context of the Somersby Regional Gateway. |
Primary Outcome | CT Group provided background on a proposal for land within the Somersby Regional Gateway, outlining the planning process to date, rationale and benefits of the proposal, and key considerations for its future planning. The key matter related to strategic alignment with the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036. CT Group sought advice regarding opportunities to collaborate and provide feedback through the scheduled review of the Central Coast Regional Plan 2036, specifically in relation to their clients’ land. DPIE provided advice on:
The proponent agreed to continue to work with Council to ensure the proposal adequately considered the strategic planning framework and responded to site-specific matters. |
Contact Type | Online Teams Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula Place-based Infrastructure Compact |
Date | 10 December 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Organised by Ilana Waldman, Special Counsel, Premier National |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Premier National |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Billbergia |
Subject Matter | Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula Place-based Infrastructure Compact |
Primary Outcome | A meeting was held to discuss the timing of the Government’s response to the Greater Parramatta and Olympic Peninsula Place-based Infrastructure Compact (PIC) and the potential for a new metro station at Camellia (with the station box to be funded by developers). |
Contact Type | Online meeting (Microsoft Teams) |
Project / Issue / Location | 21-23 Victoria Avenue, Castle Hill – Spotlight Planning Proposal |
Date | 28 October 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Primary Communications |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Spotlight Property Group |
Subject Matter | Progression of Planning Proposal |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided to continue discussions with Council regarding Spotlight’s planning proposal |
Contact Type | Meeting – video conference |
Project / Issue / Location | Options for design excellence for the Winter Sports World |
Date | 22 October 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Organised by Kerry Chikarovski, Chikarovski & Associates |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Chikarovski & Associates |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Chikarovski & Associates |
Subject Matter | Meeting has been facilitated between the proponent, the Council, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and the Government architect to work through the options for design excellence for the Winter Sports World |
Primary Outcome | NSW Government Architect (GA) advised proponent a design competition (national or international) would produce the best outcome for achieving design excellence. GA would consider proponent partnering with an architect experienced in large scale projects in private consultation as an alternative to a design competition (if Council agreed to the process). GA concerned that due to the complexity of the proposal that not having a design competition, design excellence would not be achieved. GA advised design competition produces better design results compared to a design panel who assesses designs of one architect. Council stated that they will be guided by GA advice for how to achieve design excellence because of the size and significance of the proposal on the local area. DPIE advised they will be guided by the GA’s decision for the design process pathway The proponent seeks an alternative design process pathway other than a design competition due to the cost and delay associated with holding a design competition and the potential risk of losing intellectual property incorporated in the design elements having to provide external architects access through a design competition process. GA – providing proponent scenario’s acceptable to the GA to achieve design excellence. |
Contact Type | Online meeting (Microsoft Teams) |
Project / Issue / Location | Potential development for 23 Rooty Hill Road, 2 Mavis Street and 7 Dunsmore Street, Rooty Hill |
Date | 13 October 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Organised by Andrew Humphries (did not attend the meeting) |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Barton Deakin |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Central Coast Building with Ethos Urban and Arcadia Landscape Architecture |
Subject Matter | Potential development south of Rooty Hill Station. The proponent is seeking to rezone the site for commercial uses from its primarily residential zoning. |
Primary Outcome | DPIE provided an overview of strategic planning of the wider GPEC Investigation Area. Advice was that if the development were to proceed the likely planning pathway would be as Planning Proposal to be submitted to Blacktown Council. Staff from Blacktown Council re-iterated previous advice issued to the proponent primarily related to site access and flooding. |
Contact Type | Online meeting (Microsoft Teams) |
Project / Issue / Location | Planning Proposal 2019ECI013 – 67-75 Lords Road, Leichhardt |
Date | 23 July 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovksi |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Kerry Chikarovski & Associates |
Organisations / Individuals Represented |
Subject Matter | Planning Proposal 2019ECI013 – 67-75 Lords Road, Leichhardt |
Primary Outcome | Platino sought advice on status on reviewing the Parramatta Road Corridor Strategy. The Coordinator General explained that the PDU’s roles was to facilitate progress, rather than acting as the project owner. The Coordinator General agreed to:
Contact Type |
Project / Issue / Location | Discussion of St Leonards South Stage 2 |
Date | 22 July 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovksi |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Kerry Chikarovksi & Associates |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Colin Rockliff, Planning Director, Greaton |
Subject Matter | Discussion of St Leonards South Stage 2 |
Primary Outcome | The Coordinator General provided an overview of the Planning Delivery Unit, which has been established to work with agencies to remove blockages and resolve issues for identified planning projects already in the system and under assessment so that decisions on projects can be made more quickly. Coordinator General to investigate process of the project within DPIE. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Investment in Water Infrastructure In NSW, DPIE Office, The Rocks |
Date | 4 March 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Richardson Coutts Pty Ltd |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Richardson Coutts Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Water Utilities Australia |
Subject Matter | Private (superannuation fund) investment in water infrastructure in NSW |
Primary Outcome | Water Utilities Australia (WUA) provided background on its organisation and ideas for investment in water infrastructure in NSW. WUA facilitates investment by superannuation funds in water utilities that receive a regulated return on assets/investment. The department indicated that it would refer WUA’s proposal to the department’s reform division to determine whether it had merit or whether WUA should be referred to the unsolicited proposal process managed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. The department noted that if the proposal merited further investigation it would be in the context of NSW Government policies, including procurement policies. The department advised WUA that the government is committed to council owned local water utilities. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Mid Coast Council – Growing Local Economies |
Date | Friday 27 March 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Cara Dale |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C2Hills Consultancy |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Mid-Coast Council |
Subject Matter | Growing Local Economies (GLE) Program and potential infrastructure projects |
Primary Outcome | Regional NSW advised that the GLE Fund is currently paused and to check website and other communications for updates. At the request of C2Hills and Council, Regional NSW will seek a contact point in the Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF). Apart from the potential contact point, no further action will be undertaken in regard to this meeting |
Contact Type | Skype |
Project / Issue / Location | DPIE and Tilt Renewables |
Date | 19 February 2020 |
Registered Lobbyist | Spring Street Advisory – Ken McAlpine |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Tilt Renewables |
Subject Matter | DPIE and Tilt Renewables |
Primary Outcome | DPIE provided information on:
Tilt Renewables provided:
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Cecil & Roger Avenue, Castle Hill Planning Proposal |
Date | 6 December 2019 |
Registered Lobbyist | Ian Hancock – Managing Director |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Premier National |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Merc Capital and Affiliated Companies |
Subject Matter | Progression of Planning Proposal |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress of the matter. It was agreed the next step was a meeting with Transport for NSW, Council, the Department and the proponent. |
Contact Type | Meeting – In Person |
Project / Issue / Location | Lendlease engagement with NSW Government |
Date | 23 October 2019 |
Registered Lobbyist | Anthony Benscher |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Barton Deakin Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Lendlease |
Subject Matter | To discuss Lendlease’s engagement with NSW Government |
Primary Outcome | General discussion about Lendlease. No further action. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Status of the Department's response |
Date | 20 September 2019 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovski |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Platino Properties |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Lord Rd |
Subject Matter | Advice provided on progress to the rezoning review for Lords Rd, Leichardt. |
Primary Outcome | Parties agreed to reconvene |
Contact Type | Phone call |
Project / Issue / Location | Native Vegetation Compliance and Land Management |
Date | 22 August 2019 |
Registered Lobbyist | Adam Le Lievre |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Newgate Communications |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Northern NSW Agricultural Alliance (NNAA) |
Subject Matter | Native vegetation compliance and land management |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on compliance policy for native vegetation cases. The Department will consider the issues raised by the NNAA. |
Contact Type |
Project / Issue / Location | Carter Street Precinct |
Date | 24 January 2019 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitch Corn |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT International and Corporate Advisory C|T Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | AYMCI |
Subject Matter | Post-exhibition landowner briefing for the Carter Street Precinct |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress : The Department will review matters raised by the landowners as part of preparing advice to the Minister on the finalisation of the Plan. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Carter Street Precinct |
Date | 25 October 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitch Corn, Michael Teoh |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C|T Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | AYMCI |
Subject Matter | Follow up meeting in relation to the exhibition of the draft revised master plan and planning controls for the Carter St |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress, Additional information to be sought/provided : AYMCI to make a formal submission to exhibition of the draft plans for the Carter Street Precinct by COB Friday 26 October 2018. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Carter Street Precinct |
Date | 19 October 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitch Corn |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C|T Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | SAL |
Subject Matter | Exhibition of the draft revised master plan and planning controls for the Carter Street Precinct |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress, Additional information to be sought/provided : Landowner to lodge formal submission on the proposed controls by close of business 26 October 2018. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Carter Street Precinct |
Date | 9 October 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitch Corn, Michael Teoh |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C|T Group |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | YMCI |
Subject Matter | Landowner briefing for the exhibition of the draft revised master plan and planning controls for the Carter Street Precinct. |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress, Parties to reconvene : Further meeting to be arranged during exhibition period with AYMCI to discuss the proposed controls applying to the site, and submission lodged with DPE by close of business 26 October 2018. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | St Leonards and Crows Nest Draft 2036 Plan – Exhibition Meeting |
Date | 19 December 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovski |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Chikarovski and Associates |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Jemalong Pty Ltd |
Subject Matter | St Leonards and Crows Nest Draft 2036 Plan – Exhibition Meeting |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress, No further action : |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Hunter Regional Plan |
Date | 7 June 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovski |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Chikarovski |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Chikarovski and Associates |
Subject Matter | Lochinvar potential development site |
Primary Outcome | Referral for discussion with another party: Next steps to meet with Council (likely early July) to discuss the local strategy review process |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Department’s refusal of the Planning Proposal for Lords Road (PP 2016_LEICH 022_00) |
Date | 11 April 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovski |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Chikarovski and Associates |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Platino Properties |
Subject Matter | Lords Road (PP 2016_LEICH 022_00) |
Primary Outcome | No further action : Department provided advice on process. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Eastern Sydney Region |
Date | 6 April 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitchell Corn, Michael Teoh |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Crosby Textor |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | |
Subject Matter | Crosby Textor provided an update regarding various projects in Eastern Sydney region as described below. |
Primary Outcome | No further action |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Chatswood CBD Strategy, St Leonards South, Bushels Factory Redevelopment, Concord and Gladesville (Dexus site) |
Date | 6 April 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Crosby Textor Research Strategies Results Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | |
Subject Matter | |
Primary Outcome | No further action |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Underground Life Extension Mod (Mod 7) DA 231 - 7 - 2003 MOD 7) |
Date | 5 April 2018 |
Registered Lobbyist | Hellen Georgopoulos |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Lyndon George Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Hunter Thoroughbred Breeders Association |
Subject Matter | Progress of the application |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress : DPE advised that the modification application had been lodged, but an EA had not yet been received. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Sydney, Newcastle |
Date | 28 November 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Kerry Chikarovski |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Kerry Chikarovski |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Spacecon Consortia |
Subject Matter | High Speed Rail, Sydney - Newcastle and Smart Cities |
Primary Outcome | No further action. Meeting complete. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Renewable energy in NSW |
Date | 1 November 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Berge Okosdinossian, Jonathon Flegg |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | CT International and Corporate Advisory Group Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | CT Group |
Subject Matter | Renewable energy in NSW |
Primary Outcome | No further action |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Mt Pleasant |
Date | 24 October 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Hellen Georgopoulos |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Lyndon George PL |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | HTBA |
Subject Matter | Mt Pleasant Coal Mine, Drayton South, Dartbrook mine |
Primary Outcome | Advice provided on progress of the matter or assessment, No further action : HTBA expressed its concerns over current modification applications at Mount Pleasant and prospective applications at Dartbrook. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Carter Street Planned Precinct |
Date | 13 October 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitchell Corn |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C/T International and Corporate Advisory |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | YMCI Corporation |
Subject Matter | To discuss the Carter Street Planned Precinct, and progress on the Kings Hill Urban Release area VPA agreement. |
Primary Outcome | No further action |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | White Bay 6 compliance |
Date | 8 August 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Nick Melas |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Profile Consulting (Aust) Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | Rozelle Bay Pty Ltd |
Subject Matter | White Bay 6 compliance |
Primary Outcome | Meeting/phone call declined |
Contact Type | Phone call |
Project / Issue / Location | Local govt policies on state housing policies and targets |
Date | 8 August 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Martin Musgrave, Matthew Daniel |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Martin Musgrave |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | For this meeting, I am attending as CEO of the Commercial and Economic Planning Association, for which I am the Executive Director. Although I am registered on the third party lobbyist register, I am not attending this meeting in that capacity. |
Subject Matter | Discuss the effect of local government policies on state housing policies and targets. |
Primary Outcome | No further action |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park |
Date | 2 August 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | Mitch Corn |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | Crosby Textor |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | YMCI, E8Urban, Scape Design, Frank Turquoise |
Subject Matter | Remaster planning process and gave an update of their activities |
Primary Outcome | Referral for discussion with another party : DPE to organise meeting with YMCI urban designer (Architectus) and DPE urban designer. Further landowner meetings to be organised. |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Hill Road Off Ramp & Carter Street Precinct Amendment |
Date | 2 August 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C|T International and Corporate Advisory Group Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | |
Subject Matter | Carter Street Precinct - Re Master Planning |
Primary Outcome | Additional information to be provided by other parties to the meeting |
Contact Type | Meeting |
Project / Issue / Location | Carter Street Precinct – Re Master planning process |
Date | 2 August 2017 |
Registered Lobbyist | |
Registered Lobbyist Business Entity | C|T International and Corporate Advisory Group Pty Ltd |
Organisations / Individuals Represented | |
Subject Matter | Carter Street Precinct - Re Master Planning Process |
Primary Outcome | No further action |
Contact Type | Meeting |