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Volunteering conflict: Where can I get help
Where can I get help
Before you seek external help, first consult and ask for help from all available avenues within your organisation. Most organisations have grievance procedures in place. Is there a supervisor, manager, or HR liaison you can talk to about your concerns?
External assistance
The Centre for Volunteering
The Centre will be able to provide some initial suggestions and connect you with other professional help (such as mediation services) if you have a problem. The Centre promotes volunteering services across NSW by helping people who want to be volunteers to find their "fit".
They provide training and information, develop resources, and educate volunteers for the benefit of communities, government services and not for profit organisations. The Centre's goal is to align the parties to create the most benefit and satisfaction for the volunteer, and those receiving the services.
Get help from The Centre for Volunteering.
Volunteering Australia
Volunteering Australia is the national peak body for volunteering, it works to promote and advance volunteering in the community.
Volunteering Australia may be able to provide pointers and suggestions to help you deal with problems arising out of volunteering services. It also provides essential advice and resources to those who are or wish to be volunteers including advocacy in some circumstances, and guidance advice to volunteers in their work with organisations and individuals.
Get help from Volunteering Australia.
Community Justice Centres
These Centres have been set up to assist members of the community with issues that may need a third party to help them resolve a conflict. They provide free mediation resources to help people solve disagreements (or resolve conflicts) without going to court. It is a quick, and impartial conflict resolution service for minor matters such as neighbourhood conflicts. It will also assist in some workplace conflicts and volunteering issues.
Get help from Community Justice Centres.
This is a new NSW group that focuses on conflicts involving volunteers across NSW. Voluntas, through The Centre for Volunteering, will arrange for mediation by experienced mediators at no cost to the parties to help them reach a possible agreement.
Get help from Voluntas.
The Australian Human Rights Commission does not principally deal with volunteers but in some situations, volunteers may indirectly come under some of but not all of their legislation. Volunteers would have to speak to the AHRC and provide appropriate information before they could tell whether that person and that issue was included.
Get help from the AHRC.