Companion Card useful links
Access links to disability organisations and services, as well as legal services, advocacy and complaint assistance.
The Disability Gateway
Helps connect people with disability to trusted information and services.
People with Disability Australia
People with Disability Australia (PWDA) is a national disability rights, advocacy and representative organisation that is made up of, led and governed by people with disability. We have a vision of a socially just, accessible and inclusive community, in which the human rights, belonging, contribution, potential and diversity of all people with disability are recognised, respected and celebrated with pride.
First Peoples Disability Network Australia
We are First Peoples Disability Network Australia (FPDN) – a national organisation of and for Australia’s First Peoples with disability, their families and communities. Our organisation is governed by First Peoples with lived experience of disability.
Australian Government Department of Social Services
Department of Social Services provides targeted support and services for people with disability and carers, includes links to benefits and payments, as well as the NDIS and disability counselling and advocacy support.
NSW Government Disability and Inclusion
NSW government resources, guidelines, and a link to the NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner.
Transport for NSW
Visit the people with disabilities page for important information, including how to apply for free travel, travel for attendants, taxis, community transport and accessible travel in NSW.
The Qantas Carer Concession Card is issued to people with significant support requirements who through a physical, sensory, intellectual, cognitive or psychosocial disability are unable to travel on aircraft without the full-time assistance of a carer.
National Relay Service
If you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people using a phone, the National Relay Service (NRS) can help you make a phone call.
IDEAS (Information on Disability, Education and Awareness Services)
Our purpose is to enable the frail, aged, people with disabilities, their families, carers, supporters, and service providers to become better informed when making decisions. We aim to improve awareness and understanding of disability and ageing issues and resources, including community education, information provision and training.
Ask Izzy
Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It's free and anonymous, with thousands of services listed across Australia.
The Disability Royal Commission
The Disability Royal Commission was established in April 2019 in response to community concern about widespread reports of violence against (and the neglect, abuse and exploitation of) people with disability.
LawAccess NSW
LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, advice for people who have a legal problem in NSW. It provides a starting point to help with legal problems.
Legal Aid NSW
Legal Aid NSW helps people with their legal problems. Our legal services include legal advice, help at court and family dispute resolution. We can help in most areas of criminal law, family law and civil law.
Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS)
The ALS does legal work in criminal law, children’s care and protection law, and family law. The service also supports the development of wraparound programs and undertakes broader policy and law reform work. It continues to fight for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW and the ACT.
Australian Centre for Disability Law
The centre promotes and protects the human and legal rights of people with disability and their supporters through legal advocacy. Services include providing free legal advice, taking on selected casework and assisting with referrals.
Intellectual Disability Rights Service (IDRS)
IDRS is a free service for people with intellectual or other cognitive impairment. It's a disability advocacy service and a community legal centre. IDRS works alongside people with disability to promote and protect their rights.
NSW Ombudsman
The NSW Ombudsman is responsible for keeping agencies delivering public services and agencies delivering community services under scrutiny. This includes services for people with disabilities, people who are homeless and elderly people, as well as correctional centres and state-owned corporations.
For complaints please use the complaint form.
Anti-Discrimination NSW
New South Wales state government body that administers the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Disability discrimination is against the law. If you’ve experienced discrimination in New South Wales, you can lodge a complaint with Anti-Discrimination NSW.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is an independent third party that investigates complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches.
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is an independent statutory agency. Our role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.