About the Companion Card
The NSW Companion Card program is for people with significant and permanent disability who need a high level of care in the community. The Companion Card allows a cardholder's support person free entry into participating venues and events.
See how card holders Evan and Toby enjoy the use of their NSW Companion Card.

NSW Companion Card Cardholder Stories – Evan and Toby
What is the Companion Card?
A Companion Card is for people with significant and permanent disabilities who need a carer with them to participate in community-based activities and go to venues. It aims to promote a person’s right to fair ticketing and to make community access and participation more affordable.
Companion Cards are not means tested. If you’re eligible, you’ll have the card for life.
How does it work?
The card itself is the size of a credit card, with the name and a photo of the holder — who is the person with disability. When the holder buys a ticket for themselves at selected venues and facilities around NSW, their companion gets free entry.
Who can get a Companion Card ?
To be eligible for a NSW Companion Card, the applicant must:
- be an Australian citizen or resident and live in NSW
- have a significant and permanent disability
- demonstrate that, due to the impact of their disability, they can't participate at most community venues or activities without attendant care support
- demonstrate that the use of aids and other technologies does not meet their attendant care support needs
- demonstrate that their need for this level of attendant care will be lifelong.
The Companion Card is not issued to everyone who has a disability. The card is issued to people who can demonstrate that they can't participate at most venues and activities without a companion, and that this need is lifelong. A Companion Card cannot be issued if the applicant may become independent in the future as a result of treatment or management, training, recovery or developmental improvements. A Companion Card can only be issued when an ongoing need for a companion can be demonstrated.
What is attendant care support?
Attendant care includes significant assistance with mobility, communication, self-care or planning where the use of aids, equipment or alternative strategies does not enable the person to carry out tasks independently. Attendant care does not include providing reassurance or encouragement, nor can it be for infrequent or unexpected events or medical emergencies.
The Companion Card cannot be issued to people who only require attendant care for social support, reassurance, encouragement or just-in-case-type of scenarios.
Who is a companion?
A companion is a person who provides attendant care. This can be a partner, family member, friend, volunteer or paid carer.
The card and NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a disability support system for Australians. The NDIS helps people with disabilities live a good life.
Not everyone who receives NDIS funding is eligible for a Companion Card.
Only people who need a high level of support for the rest of their life are eligible for a Companion Card. Some people who get support from the NDIS may need a high level of support now, but may need less help in the future.
If you have an NDIS plan and would like to apply for a Companion Card you need to send us copies of reports about your disability, as this will help us assess your application.
In your application you can tell us about the help you need now, but also remember to tell us why you’ll need a high level of support for the rest of your life.
How to apply for the card
To apply for a Companion Card, go to Get a card.
More about the card
You may also like to read our card FAQs and see the card's terms, conditions and privacy.