About the Stage 2a enabling works
The Stage 2a enabling works will cover 38 hectares of land within Bradfield City Centre.
The project includes new master planned roads, streetscapes, civil works, and public utilities. Construction will be delivered in stages and is expected to finish in Quarter 4 2025.
Quick facts
- Moving and levelling over 150,000 cubic metres of material.
- Building 4 kilometres of road lanes using recycled asphalt with waste products like plastic bags, glass, tyres, and road sweepings diverted from landfill.
- Creating 8 kilometres of active transport paths for cyclists and pedestrians.
- Providing on-street parking for 178 cars.
- Installing 4 kiss-and-ride points, 3 taxi bays, and 2 bus bays near Bradfield Metro Station.
- Planting 600 trees as part of the streetscape.
- Using green concrete for all in-situ concrete work.
- Installing in-ground services, including potable, recycled, and wastewater systems, and electrical and fibre networks for future developments.
- Allowing for a 132kv electrical transmission supply.
The proposed work is permitted as development without consent under Part 5, Division 5.1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. This aligns with Chapter 2 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021 (TISEPP).
A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) (PDF 5.78MB) has been prepared by an independent and qualified planning consultant. The REF meets the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021.
The REF confirms the proposed work does not pose significant risks to the environment, threatened species, ecological communities, or their habitats. It falls within the scope for approval under Part 5.
The Bradfield Development Authority's delegate (PDF 131.48KB) has approved the REF with conditions for mitigation measures.
The REF supporting documents are available on the NSW Planning Portal.
The Regional Stormwater Infrastructure (RSI) will deliver a series of ponds, basins and wetlands to capture runoff and provide a holistic stormwater approach to development within the Bradfield City Centre including the delivery the stormwater quantity and quality measures of Wianamatta-South Creek.