Delivering Bradfield City Centre

Discover how the Bradfield Development Authority is creating Bradfield City Centre, Australia’s newest city, with world-class infrastructure and jobs.

Bradfield City artist impression.

A new global city for Western Sydney

Located in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, Bradfield City Centre is next to the new Western Sydney International Airport.

This vibrant, global city will drive industry innovation and serve as a central hub for arts, culture, and entertainment.

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A city of extraordinary futures

Bradfield City Centre will deliver new economic opportunities, 10,000 homes, and 20,000 jobs for Western Sydney residents.

Future-focused industries, including advanced manufacturing, will drive innovation across the region, creating better quality, higher-paying jobs closer to home.

With more than half the world's population just 14 hours away by air, Bradfield City Centre will become a key destination for tourism and entertainment.

Spanning 114 hectares, it is one of Australia’s largest urban development projects and the first major city built in over a century.


Delivering Bradfield City Centre - Master Plan

Our projects

Master Plan

The Master Plan is a framework that outlines how Bradfield City Centre will grow into a thriving around the clock ecosystem of culture, creativity, and innovation immersed in a parkland environment.

The Master Plan was approved in September 2024 by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces.

Learn more about the Master Plan.

Bradfield City artist impression.

First Building

The First Building, housing Stage 1 of the Advanced Manufacturing Readiness Facility (AMRF), opened in March 2025.

Built with sustainability and designing with Country at its core, it features natural materials and a green roof to minimise heat.

This landmark activates Bradfield City Centre's manufacturing ecosystem, attracting local and global partners to Western Sydney.

Learn more about the First Building.

ARMF building

Second Building

The Second Building will be a world-class innovation incubator, enabling global collaboration between industry, researchers, and the community. 

It will provide businesses, engineers, and researchers access to advanced manufacturing technologies to test, scale up, and commercialise new manufacturing methods, as well as housing the AMRF Stage 2.

The State Significant Development Application (SSDA) is in the final stages of assessment. 

Learn more about the Second Building.

Second Building artist impression

Central Park

The 2-hectare Central Park will be at the heart of Bradfield City. This will be the first step in establishing Bradfield City as a vibrant, cultural city immersed in a true parkland environment. Central Park will welcome visitors from across the globe and become a key gathering space for residents and workers.

In June 2023, a design competition was held, with the winning design confirmed in November 2023.

Following its public exhibition, the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) was approved in March 2025.

Learn more about Central Park.

Central Park artist impression.

First land release - Superlot 1

Superlot 1 is the first major land release in Bradfield City Centre for private sector development.

The 4.8 hectare mixed-use development, will deliver at least 1,000 homes and commercial, research, hotel, retail and services.

Learn more about the first land release - Superlot 1.

Bradfield City artist impression.

Stage 2a enabling works

Enabling works for Bradfield City Centre will provide the roads, services, and amenities needed to support its future development.

These works include building new master-planned roads, streetscapes, civil infrastructure, and public utilities.

Construction is being delivered in stages and is scheduled for completion in 2025.

Learn more about the Stage 2a enabling works.

Earthmoving vehicles performing enabling works in Bradfield City Centre

Advanced Manufacturing Readiness Facility (AMRF)

The Advanced Manufacturing Readiness Facility (AMRF) Stage 1 is located in the First Building.

The AMRF will offer specialised technology and expertise in areas like additive manufacturing, advanced composites, engineering design, factory digitisation, automation, metrology, precision machining, and quality assurance.

Learn more about the AMRF.

Bradfield City artist impression.

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