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Long Plain, Long Plain NSW 2360
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The Murrumbidgee River rises from the Great Dividing Range near Kiandra, then flows through the Australian Capital Territory where it turns inland as a part of the Murray-Darling Basin. From the Burrinjuck Dam, the river then emerges into the rolling hills of the Gundagai is, where the Tumut River then joins it.
The Murrumbidgee River is significant because it carries water from the Snowy Mountains Scheme to vast irrigation areas for the production of citrus, stone fruit, grapes and other food crops.
A kayak or canoe trip down one of NSW's inland rivers enables you to enjoy the beauty of these vast river systems truly.
There are many Crown Land reserves along the trail where you can camp overnight or stop for a well-earned lunch break and rest.
For more information, contact Crown Land.
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