To create your walk, pin the places you want to visit in order from start to finish.
Using the search panel
Enable location services in your browser or phone to create a starting point for your walk, or you can also just enter an address. This will be the starting point of any suburb, town or city you nominate. The blue pedestrian icon shows your start location.
Using filters and distance
Filter what you want to visit by selecting a tick box. All categories are selected as default, but you can select as many as you want. You can also select the radius from your start location that suits you.
Adding pins
Create your walk by selecting the places you want to visit in order from start to finish. Use the '+ Add to my walk' button.
You can add up to 20 pins for your walk.
Return to start location
Select the 'return to start location at the end of my walk' button if you're walking in a loop, or deselect it if you want to finish at another location.
Editing pins
Edit the order of pins in the 'My walk' panel by selecting the arrow button.
List view
Choose the 'List View' option if you are using accessibility software.
Sharing my walk
You can share your walk on Facebook or Twitter from the 'My walk' page. Or you can click the PDF icon to save or print your walk and send it via email.
Some results do not have photos or detailed descriptions
Results are generated from the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse and the NSW Department of Customer Service points of interest dataset.
Where no image or detailed description appears in the result, this has been generated from the point of interest dataset.
Where images and detailed descriptions appear, these have been generated by the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse. The 'List View' page shows all results to provide accessibility functions.
Descriptions of the 'Destinations and activities'
The descriptions of the 'Destinations and activities' categories include the following.
Walk; pre-curated walks.
Open Space; parks, playgrounds, beaches, riverbanks and sporting fields.
Public Facility; libraries, aquatic centres, museums, galleries and information centres.
Points of Interest; galleries, museums, theatres, historic buildings, memorials and landmarks.
Events; community events, markets, festivals, celebrations, talks, workshops, shows and exhibitions. Some may be paid activities.
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