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Compliance and reporting
In addition to the Local Land Services Act 2013 and the Local Land Services Regulation 2014, permit holders must comply with state and federal legislation that impact the management of TSR.
This includes but is not limited to:
Annual reporting on stock movements, pasture condition, and environmental monitoring (including photo monitoring and ground cover assessments) may be required.
You can use the TSR Monitoring and Reporting Audit Strategy as a guide.
Refer to the Best Environmental Management Practice (BeMP) toolkit for further advice.
When to contact LLS
Permit holders can contact their nearest Local Land Services office for assistance by calling 1300 795 299
You must contact LLS for any of the following:
- stock deaths – immediately report livestock deaths
- grazing movement – permit extensions or changes
- return of stock – before bringing stock back after natural disasters
- disease – report disease outbreaks or other animal welfare concerns
- biosecurity concerns – report any new significant weeds or pest sightings
- chemical use – get written approval before applying any chemicals on TSR
- illegal activities – report unlawful use of TSR
- infrastructure damage – report damaged infrastructure on the TSR
- temporary infrastructure – seek approval before erecting temporary structures
- emergency situations – fires or other extreme weather events impacting the TSR
- cultural heritage – report any Aboriginal cultural sites or artefacts
- permit clarification – permit conditions.
Contact Local Land Services NSW
Our team welcome your enquiries, feedback and comments.
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