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As the NSW Government rapidly transforms to digital business operations, the challenge for public offices is to manage the legacy of paper and physical records until these older paper records are time-expired and can be destroyed or transferred as State archives.
The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum requirements for the storage of physical State records and to guide decisions for storing records. All public offices should ensure that:
This standard is issued under section 13(1) of the State Records Act 1998 which enables State Records NSW to ‘approve standards and codes of best practice for records management by public offices.’
This standard applies to all public offices as defined in section 3 of the State Records Act, to which Part 2 of the Act applies.
The standard applies to records created and maintained by contractors and service providers on behalf of public offices in the course of outsourced government business.
The requirements of the standard are applicable to all storage areas and facilities which are controlled and managed by the public office. Public offices engaging commercial storage services should ensure that the storage area/facility and services to be provided under a contractual arrangement meet the requirements of the standard.
1.4 Scope of this standard
This standard covers records in the control of the public office which have a physical format. It covers:
USB memory sticks should not be used for the short or long term storage of records.
This standard does not cover:
Records identified as required as State archives in retention and disposal authorities are to be stored in the best conditions practically possible while the records are still under the control of the public office. This includes records that are subject to still in use determinations under section 28 of the State Records Act 1998. At the very minimum, records required as State archives, should be kept according to the requirements in this standard. The storage of State archives in the custody of a public office or other body under a distributed management agreement, made under section 30 of the Act, is governed by the terms of the agreement rather than this standard.
The standard covers the following:
This standard is supported by a range of guidance available from <need to update>
Section 11 of the State Records Act 1998 requires each public office to ‘…ensure the safe custody and proper preservation of the State’s records that it has control of’.
To assist public offices in understanding and implementing this obligation, State Records NSW has previously issued Standard on the physical storage of State records (Standard No. 3, 2000) and the Standard on the physical storage of State records (Standard No. 11, 2012). Each standard was accompanied by a range of guidance to assist public offices in implementing the standard. Following consultation with public offices, the 2012 standard has been revised.
This standard sets out six principles for managing the storage of semi-active State records. Under each principle there is a brief explanation of the principle, and identified compliance requirements.
For the purposes of this standard the following definitions apply. Terms that have not been referenced are taken from State Records NSW sources. All other sources are provided in brackets after the definition.
A program of good housekeeping and cleaning, regular inspections and monitoring for pests. (ed. Jackie Bettington, Kim Eberhard, Rowena Loo, and Clive Smith, Keeping Archives, 3rd edition, Australian Society of Archivists, 2008, p. 86)
Integrated pest management also includes response strategies such as spraying and appropriate treatments.
Record means any document or other source of information compiled, recorded or stored in written form or on film, or by electronic process, or in any other manner or by any other means (State Records Act 1998, Part 1, Preliminary, Section 3(1), Definitions).
Records required infrequently in the conduct of current business and stored in a secondary storage area or facility.
The Senior Responsible Officer (SRO) is the individual within the public office who has been delegated strategic and corporate responsibility for records and information management. The SRO is responsible for ensuring that records and information management is in place and operating effectively to support business operations and is usually a senior manager reporting to Chief Executive or to the Chief Information Officer. The role of the SRO is established under the Standard on records management, minimum compliance requirement 1.3.
Any record, made and kept, or received and kept, by any person in the course of the exercise of official functions in a public office, or for any purpose of a public office, or for the use of a public office (State Records Act 1998, s.3(1), Definitions).
A room, compactus or space within a storage facility or building whose primary purpose is to store records.
Any building that houses records, including commercial storage facilities, in-house storage facilities and archival storage facilities.
State Records NSW acknowledges the use of the National Archives of Australia and the Public Record Office Victoria storage standards and specifications in the development of this standard.
For more information on this standard, please contact State Records NSW.
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