What's climate change?
In recent decades there's been an increase in average and extreme temperatures around the world. This is climate change
Temperatures are rising due to an increase in greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. The light (the sun) is getting in, but not as much heat is getting out.
The extra greenhouse gases are caused mainly by human activity since the industrial revolution. The burning of fossil fuels for electricity, industry and transport is a major cause. Another is the large-scale removal of forests. Trees absorb carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) from the air and put oxygen back into it.
By changing how we use energy and resources, we can help reduce the impact of climate change. We can also better respond to the challenges of climate change. For more on what climate change is see AdaptNSW
How climate change affects NSW
Events caused by climate change affect our health, economy and communities, as well as the local environment. Here's some impacts in NSW.
Natural disasters
Flooding in NSW devastates communities and costs our economy about $250 million a year.
Heatwaves and health
NSW saw its hottest decade on record 2010-2019. Heatwaves kill more people in Australia than any other natural hazard.
Drought and water shortages
From 2017 to 2020, NSW experienced record-breaking drought. Rainfall was the lowest on record.
Acting and responding to climate change in NSW
NSW households are learning to respond to challenges posed by climate change.
NSW Businesses are being encouraged to support and adapt to safer, cleaner energy, materials and practices.
Communities are connecting to respond to climate challenges.
Key targets on climate change in NSW
Agreement to reach net zero targets
The foundation for NSW’s action on climate change and goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050.
NSW Climate Change Fund
Key initiatives delivering energy savings and reducing emissions, and increasing resilience to a changing climate.
NSW Climate Change Policy Framework
Outlines our long-term objectives to achieve net-zero emissions and make NSW more resilient to a changing climate.