Climate, weather and safety

Check current weather warnings, find information about climate change and advice on how to stay safe during times of fire, flood or storms.

Natural disaster declarations

NSW Government natural disaster declarations are made on a whole of Local Government Area basis and issued with an Australian Government Reference Number.

Find official declarations of NSW natural disasters from 2018 onwards. 

Weather forecasts and warnings

Access weather and climate information including weather forecasts and severe weather warnings.


What you can do to prepare for an emergency event or stay safe during times of fire, flood or storms.

Climate change in NSW

Information to help you understand climate change issues in NSW.

Related apps


Thumbnail image for Hazards Near Me app

Hazards Near Me NSW

Hazards Near Me shows current information about local emergencies, including flood, bushfire and tsunamis, and advice on what to do to stay safe. The app can send you push notifications when there are new incidents or when information changes.


Orange thumbnail image of the app icon

Emergency Plus

Save the app that could save your life.

‘Emergency +’ is a national app developed by Australia's emergency services and their government and industry partners, helping people to call the right number at the right time, anywhere in Australia.


Thumbnail image of BOM weather app

BOM Weather

BOM Weather is the Bureau of Meteorology's weather app, giving you accurate weather information at your fingertips.

The BOM weather app includes current conditions, forecasts, warnings and radar.

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