Starting work: Your rights and responsibilities

Are you looking for work for the first time, or new to work in NSW? Learn about what's required for pay, safety, preventing and responding to bullying, discrimination and more.


This page about your rights and entitlements at work is hosted by NSW Industrial Relations
We're a NSW Government agency that helps people comply with and understand workplace laws.

For information on building your career and work pathways see Careers NSW.



Pay, conditions and entitlements

Information from Fair Work Ombudsman about pay, conditions and entitlements in the workplace.



Safety and wellbeing at work

Learn about safety, bullying and discrimination. Find out how to complain about a workplace incident or hazard in these pages from SafeWork NSW.



Trainees and apprentices: rights, responsibilities at work

Trainees and apprentices gain practical skills and experience in the workplace while earning a qualification. 

Employing young people: Minimum age and requirements

There are no minimum age restrictions for work in NSW. But there are certain guidelines, entitlements and responsibilities employers need to be aware of. 

Office of the Children’s Guardian

Regulates employment of babies, children and young people as models and actors.

NSW Department of Education

For work outside school holidays, there may be restrictions due to a student’s age and their education.


Fair Work Ombudsman

Regulates employment matters in the federal industrial relations system. 

SafeWork NSW

Occupational health and safety, workers compensation and certificates for operators of industrial equipment. 

Frequently asked questions for people new to work in NSW

How old must I be to start work?

There is no minimum legal age limit for starting work in NSW. Many teenagers start a part-time or casual job while still at school. However you may wish to contact the following organisations for any other restrictions that may apply relating to age.

Fair Work Ombudsman

The Fair Work Ombudsman regulates employment matters. See Before starting employment on their site for useful advice.

SafeWork NSW

Safework NSW is the agency responsible for work health and safety, workers compensation and certificates for operators of industrial equipment. 

NSW Department of Education

If consideration is being given to working at any time other than school holidays: 

  • Check with the NSW Education website for restrictions that may apply to a student’s age and their education. Or call them on 1300 679 332. 
  • If you're under the age of 17 and wish to seek full-time work, with the intention of leaving school, talk to the Career Adviser at your school to find out how you can apply to leave school.
Is unpaid trial work illegal?

There is no such thing as 'unpaid trial work'. It is illegal for your employer not to pay you for any work that you do, even if it is only for a small number of hours.

If this happens to you, contact Fair Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94 for advice and assistance.

I am being bullied at work, what can I do?

Bullying is unwanted, offensive and frightening behaviour and can come from co-workers, supervisors or customers.

Bullying frequently consists of a series of acts or incidents which, in isolation, appear trivial but, put together, can be devastating. A bully can deny that bullying is occurring when single incidents are involved but cannot do so when there is a series of incidents.

Bullying can involve:

  • yelling or abusive language
  • laughs or insults because of your lack of experience, appearance, race, religion or sexual preference
  • physical abuse – people pushing, poking, hitting or threatening to hurt you.

If you feel bullied:

  • tell the person to stop
  • keep a diary of events – this will support your allegations of bullying by providing you with clear recall of all the details
  • tell your employer, your human resources manager or occupational health and safety representative.

Bullying is against the law.

For anyone under 18 years of age it may also be considered child abuse. If you feel this is happening, see Do you have a concern about an individual child or young person?

For any worker being bullied or for more information, contact Safework NSW

I am being discriminated against at work, what can I do?

If you experience discrimination or have concerns please contact the Anti-Discrimination Board on 1800 670 812 for advice and assistance.

Related information


Learn about career pathways and opportunities:

To get work-focused training see:

For more about wellbeing see Mental health at work

Contact NSW Industrial Relations

Online: Contact us

Phone: 131 628 

TTY 1800 555 677

Language assistance: Call TIS 131 450 

Post: GPO Box 5341 Sydney NSW 2001

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