Bushfire recovery

Advice and support for cleaning up after a bushfire. Find what to do about damaged property, accommodation and replacing lost documents.

Green leaves covering blackened tree trunks after a bushfire

Be safe when you return home after a bushfire

Returning home after a bushfire can be difficult, stressful and sometimes hazardous. Follow this guidance to protect your health and safety when returning home.

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home destroyed by bushfire

Recovery information and support

What to do immediately after a bushfire

Steps to help you recover after an emergency, once you're no longer in immediate danger.

Bushfire clean-up advice

Guidance on how to clean up after a bushfire, including waste removal, hazard identification, food and water safety.

Disaster recovery map

Information about recovery centres, closed roads, temporary accommodation, wellbeing support and clean-up help.

Replacing ID, licences and personal documents

If your identity, licences, certificates, permits, registrations or documents are lost or damaged in a bushfire, you can apply for replacements.

Managing animals

Find assistance and guidance on how to look after animals after a natural disaster, and what to do with animals that have died.

Support from government agencies and service providers

Information on financial assistance, free advice and support from government agencies and service providers.

Financial, health and wellbeing support

Managing your mental health

Living through a natural disaster can take a toll on your mental health and wellbeing. It’s vital that you and the people around you seek appropriate support.

Grants and assistance after a disaster

Use the Disaster Assistance Finder on the Service NSW website to search for support that is available to you.

Emergency resources and contacts

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