Approval of school providers to deliver courses to overseas students
This section provides information about how the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) approves school providers to deliver courses to overseas students in NSW, including:
- school courses
- non-AQF Award English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) where provided in the capacity as a school.
You can find out more by reading about the approval process and the Guidelines, as well as the fees and administrative arrangements.
Approval overview
Find out about NESA's role in the approval process, CRICOS and the legislation that governs approval of school providers.
The Guidelines
The Guidelines provide information about the regulations and requirements for school providers delivering courses to overseas students.
Fee schedule
A full list of the fees that school providers are required to pay NESA in 2025 to become approved and maintain approval.
Administrative arrangements
Find out more about the administrative arrangements that approved school providers are required to understand.
Short notice inspections
School providers are selected by NESA at random for a short-notice inspection. Discover more about the inspection process.
Approved NSW school providers
Only the school providers that are approved by NESA and are listed on CRICOS may deliver courses for overseas students in NSW. Find a provider in the current list.
Document proformas
School providers can access proformas to help identify the policies, procedures and documentation required.
Raising Concerns
Complaints, concerns and appeals about providers can be sent through dedicated channels. Find out which channel you should use to address your concern.
Contact information
Contacts for providers and education services providers, making a complaint about a provider, visa enquiries and exchange student information.
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Contact the School Registration Unit
You can contact the Regulation of Schooling team by email or phone.
Stay connected
Keep in touch by following NESA on social media.
For more information on how to contact a specific team or make a complaint, visit NESA's contact us page.