We're improving our online experience so it's easier for you to find and read content
Improvements are being made in stages as we migrate content from the existing NESA website to nsw.gov.au/NESA.
This will have no impact on the information available to you.
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Schooling guide for parents and carers
Whether your child is beginning school or transitioning into high school, navigating the NSW school system needn’t be a daunting experience. Read about what’s involved with your child attending school, as well as NESA's roles and responsibilities.
Starting school
Starting school can be a big transition for children. Find resources to help, whether your child is starting or returning to preschool, primary or high school.
Public school terms and dates
Dates throughout the year for NSW public school terms, holidays and school development days. For private school term dates, contact your school.
NSW curriculum and syllabuses
NESA provides the curriculum for Kindergarten to Year 12. Take a look at the syllabuses for each subject, and view resources on the NSW digital curriculum website.
NAPLAN key dates
The NAPLAN test assesses the literacy and numeracy skills of students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Read about test window and preparation dates and contact details for NAPLAN enquiries.
Supporting students with disability
All students are entitled to progress through the NSW curriculum. Read about adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment activities for some students with disability.
To be home schooled, a child of compulsory schooling age must be registered by NESA. Find out about more about requirements and process for home schooling registration.
Higher School Certificate
School students in NSW generally work towards the Higher School Certificate (HSC) in Year 11 and Year 12. Find out about the HSC, subjects, dates and timetables.
About the HSC
The HSC is the highest level of attainment students can reach at school. Find out about courses, eligibility and achievement pathways, including the HSC minimum standard.
HSC subject selection
Explore the content for each HSC course. Find out more about how to choose your HSC subjects, course outcomes and how each subject is assessed.
Key dates and exam timetable
Find the dates and timetables for HSC written exams, languages oral exams, and important dates for practical and performance exams.
How NESA consults with parents and carers
Parents and carers are regularly involved in consultations with NESA. This is done by meeting with parent and carer groups across government, non-government and independent schools.
These consultations are an opportunity for parents and carers to express ideas and raise concerns relating to students' education.
You can voice your opinion or issue with NESA by joining your:
- individual school's parent and citizen committee
- school sector parent and carer group (large groups that represent parents and carers in a specific school environment).
The following are groups that NESA consults with across different school sectors and environments.
Schooling in NSW
The NSW Department of Education provides teaching at over 2,200 schools across the state. Find out more about the diverse range of schools available to students in NSW on the Department of Education.

Updates from NESA
Read the latest news, find key dates for students and schools, and learn about NESA's awards and events.

You can stay updated on what's happening in education in NSW through NESA's news. Find the latest school notices, learn about media releases published by NESA and see our regular updates.

Key dates
There's a range of important dates students, schools, parents and teachers need to know about. Find the dates for HSC, NAPLAN tests and other important dates in the school calendar.

Awards and events
NESA celebrates the achievements of students and teachers through awards, showcases, and merit lists. Browse the lists of high achievers and see the recognition events taking place throughout the year.
Stay informed with NESA newsletters
Subscribe to NESA newsletters for all the latest news, media releases and official notices.
Get in contact with NESA
You can contact NESA by phone or post.
Call: +61 2 9367 8111
NSW Education Standards Authority
PO Box 5300
Sydney NSW 2001
Stay connected
Keep in touch by following NESA on social media.
For more information on how to contact a specific team or make a complaint, visit NESA's contact us page.