Sustainability data and metrics hub
Find data, metrics and other information to see how NSW is reporting on sustainability performance and is progressing towards a sustainable future.
How we’re progressing to net zero
We recognise the importance of data and information to support evidence-based decision making and prioritisation.
Here you will find links to dashboards, portals and other sources of information and data on environmental, social and governance factors.
carbonZero Accelerator
The carbonZero Accelerator is an open-source platform helping governments, businesses, and organisations understand their carbon footprint.
Several NSW Government agencies and local councils are trialling the platform. We will use the results to establish a baseline carbon footprint of our activities and assets. We will also develop net zero transition roadmaps and emission reduction strategies to reach our legislated net zero goals.

Adapt NSW
AdaptNSW helps NSW households, businesses and government understand and adapt to climate change impacts.
Climate Data Portal
The NSW Climate Data Portal provides data and information on the projected and historical climate of NSW and south-eastern Australia.
Climate projections map
The interactive climate projections map displays projected changes to the climate across NSW for the near and longer-term. It includes projections for temperature, rainfall and high-fire-danger days.
National greenhouse and energy reporting data
The National Clean Energy Regulator reports on corporate greenhouse gas emissions, energy production and energy consumption.
NSW Greenhouse Gas Inventory
The NSW Greenhouse Gas Inventory is published as part of the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts.
NSW Common Planning Assumptions - Climate and natural resources
NSW Common Planning Assumptions are the agreed information used by NSW Government and external stakeholders to prepare proposals, business plans and strategies that rely on projections.
Air quality data services
Download and stream NSW air quality and meteorological data.
Air quality research
Learn about pollution, current air quality and how it impacts our economy. Find out more about air quality research.
Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard
The Biodiversity Credits Market Sales Dashboard Dashboard provides current sales data for biodiversity credits created using the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM). It presents a market overview, latest prices for ecosystem credits and latest prices for species credits.
Decarbonisation Innovation Hub
The Decarbonisation Innovation Hub supports researchers, industry and government stakeholders to collaborate on the uptake of technologies to reduce carbon emissions. The Hub coordinates work in 3 focus areas that include:
- electrification and energy systems
- land and primary industries
- power fuels including hydrogen.
Electric Vehicle Strategy Dashboard
The Electric Vehicle Strategy Dashboard (PDF 110.05KB) shows the progress being made to meet the objectives of the NSW Electric Vehicle Strategy. It includes new registrations, duty exemptions, rebates paid and government procurement targets.
Government Resource Efficiency Policy dashboard
CASPER is the Centralised Analysis System for Performance of Energy and Resources. It lets NSW Government agencies track and manage their progress on the Government Resource Efficiency Policy.
The National Australian Built Environment Rating System (NABERS) measures a building’s environmental performance. It provides a rating from one to six stars for buildings efficiency across energy, water, waste and indoor environment. . It also has calculators you can use to work out your own estimates.
NSW BioNet
NSW BioNet includes data and information on the state’s biodiversity. It aims to improve biodiversity outcomes by enabling the community and government to proactively manage and enhance biodiversity in NSW through comprehensive, credible and robust data and information.
Soils dashboard
The Soil Accounts dashboard presents information on the use of the NSW Great Soil Groups. It helps understand the degree to which different soil groups are being used for activities which are compatible or incompatible with their capabilities.
Natural Capital Accounting Hub
The Natural Capital Accounting Hub serves as a central platform for information and data on NSW’s natural capital accounts. It provides insights into the State’s natural resources and their economic value.
Closing the Gap targets
Access data on the targets and indicators agreed as part of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
Gender Equality Dashboard
The NSW Gender Equality Dashboard shows progress on key indicators of NSW women’s social and economic outcomes.
Office of Social Impact Investment
The Office of Social Impact Investment (OSII) leads the implementation of the NSW Social Impact Investment Policy. OSII partners with government agencies and other organisations to facilitate better outcomes, services and value for NSW residents through impact investing.
First Nations Economic Wellbeing
Access information on how we are improving economic wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in NSW.
First Nations Women’s Economic Participation Review: Pathways to Prosperity
The First Nations Women’s Economic Participation Review provides a baseline of current First Nations women’s economic participation and identifies five priorities to empower First Nations women to realise their economic potential.
Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System
The Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System holds over 100,000 records and information about Aboriginal Places, objects, and other significant sites, and over 14,000 archaeological and cultural heritage assessment reports.
Austlang provides information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.
Guidance on reducing modern slavery in supply chains
The NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner’s office has developed guidance for government agencies to manage modern slavery risk in their operations and supply chains and meet their annual reporting requirements.
NSW Public Sector reports and data
Public Service Commission data, insights, and analytics on the public sector workforce.
Transport for NSW – Data and Insights
Transport for NSW is a data driven organisation with vast amounts of data used to generate insights to transform the infrastructure and services delivered to customers and communities across NSW.
NSW Government Agency Publications
Agencies report sustainability related information and data in their respective annual and sustainability reports. The publications are available on Open Gov NSW.
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