Sustainable finance

Building a resilient and prosperous economy and ensuring our communities thrive.

Worker in PPE glances down at ipad with solar panels and wind turbine in background

About sustainable finance in the NSW Government  

We are committed to supporting and enabling sustainable finance. 

We aim to make government operations more sustainable and position NSW as a hub for sustainable finance. This will attract investment, create jobs, and help build a prosperous economy.

This webpage brings together policies, data and news on NSW Government’s sustainable finance activities. 


Kids planting trees

What is sustainable finance? 

The NSW Government defines sustainable finance as the integration of sustainability considerations – that is, environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters – into economic and financial decision-making. This helps mitigate risks and realise opportunities for the lasting benefit of society.

This is aligned with the European Commission’s definition of sustainable finance.


Solar panel installer on roof

NSW sustainability plans and progress

Find the policies, programs and data that underpin the state’s sustainability commitments. They inform our environmental, social and governance (ESG) journey.

NSW Government sustainable debt and investment

Learn how the NSW Government considers stewardship, ESG and sustainability as part of our debt and investment management. Find out about the Sustainability Bond Programme.

Sustainable finance knowledge hub

Learn more about sustainable finance and discover how you can invest in sustainable outcomes in NSW.

Latest sustainable finance news

New legislation to strengthen financial system and boost investment in cleaner cheaper, energy

The Federal Government has introduced legislation to maximise the economic opportunities of cleaner, cheaper, and more reliable energy and strengthen Australia’s financial system. This includes implementing new mandatory climate reporting requirements for large companies.

Sustainability bond issuance

T-Corp has issued a new A$1.7 billion 4.75% 20 September 2035 Sustainability bond.

Climate Change Bill passes Parliament with broad support

The NSW Government landmark Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Bill has passed Parliament. The Bill legislates ambitious emissions reduction targets and sets up a strong and independent Net Zero Commission to keep this government and future governments on track to Net Zero by 2050.

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