
Annual Statements of Performance, Sector Performance Reports and campaigns from the Registrar of Community Housing.


The Registrar of Community Housing has a number of functions under the National Law to provide information to the community, to share information with other jurisdictions and provide information and advice to the Minister and NSW housing agencies on the administration of the regulatory system.

The Registrar fulfils these functions through a range of reporting tools including informal reports, intelligence briefs and public statements of performance.

Such reporting provides assurance to stakeholders of the ongoing integrity and capability of the sector, and assists the sector to respond proactively to emerging regulatory issues.

Annual statements

Our Annual Statements of Performance provide a look at our achievements in the community housing sector. 


Find out about our campaigns to inform the people of NSW about the sector. 

Sector performance

These reports provide a snapshot of the performance of the community housing sector in NSW.

Strategic reports

Learn about our research and analysis on the topics that affect the community housing sector in NSW.

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